They a
ll arrive at this immense Log and Glass home (somewhere in Nashville), I'm guessing it belongs to the guy in the private helicopter that lands in the front lawn, wearing a pack of dead animals on his back. Yo PETA! They all call him JR, as in John Rich of Big and Rich-sorry guys, never heard of him either or his songs.

The premises of this reality show is that these seven diverse musical talents (Maureen?) will be in Nashville to write and perform a country song, but first having to prove themselves to JR, by going through a series of which I'm sure, silly stunts.
Dee starts off with a good impression by telling JR he doesn't like country songs, "all about your hound dog, your truck's broken, your wife's left ya, you've lost your job", then he begins to sob that there is no coffee-I NEED COFFEE he wails, raising the eyebrows of JR and the rest at the table. JR sits at the head like he's holding court, addressing each one, and solicitiously thanking them for joining in this adventure as he makes a sly look toward DiGarmo's cleavage. JR complements our Marsha Brady on her voice to which Dee remarks on the aside that he didn't know that she had a song let alone sang. Meanwhile Dee's still whining about coffee and for Carney it's all about the food-country cooking at it's finest.

In their bedrooms, each one has a guitar, a gift from JR all done up in rhinestones-which makes Maureen cry-I'm thinking she's going to be the crier of the bunch. Julio kept a low profile, but how's he going to sing country with that Spanish accent? While Bobby and Maureen enjoy a smoke, Dee finds a coffeemaker, coffee, to which he quickly announces when he opens it, that it's a can from 1946! He's definitely the high maintenance one of the group-Dee go find yourself a Starbucks!
This does look like a promising series and maybe I'll keep you posted after all, I'll be curious to see whose alittle bit country and whose alittle bit rock and roll-where's Donny and Marie?-Single D
Probably need to leave this one alone. Hard to comment on a country music show if you don't know who Big and Rich is. If you insist on following up, maybe listen to a little country music now and then. Who knows? You might like it and you won't hear Donny or Marie.
Not that I don't listen to country music-love Reba, Toby Keith, Martina McBride. I am actually now more into listening to more pop country as I call it than the pop-rock that is currently in fashion. I am really blogging about the cast that is not usually associated with the country music scene and from an outsider point of view. Thanks for your comment! :)-Single D
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