Why does that give me such great satisfaction? If one of the girl teams didn't win, I would have been screaming. Who knew that Kat and Nat, running the entire race in slo mo would win. The Amazing Race Gods were smiling on them this last leg. How they managed to get out of the plane first was a lucky break. Guess they were saving all their energy for this last leg. One thing I have to hand it to them, never once did they ever lose it completely, except maybe when Nat had to deal with the height issue or when they had to eat meat and Kat said it taste like a million. And a million must taste real good right now. They did everything right this time, they even wrote down each leg information which I thought was useful in that last challenge. And which I totally would do if I were running the race. It was surprising that they let them use their notes, that's never happened before. And who knew that Bob Eubanks is still alive. All those old game show emcees live long.
I'm sure Brooke was totally disappointed that they didn't win, she's such a ham, case in point, when they had to bungee jump off the bridge, Brooke did all her screaming at the end after the fall and not during. Come on, most people scream during the fall, not after. All I could hear was Brooke screaming just for effect because like I said, she's a big ham and loves to hear the sound of her own voice.
I did feel a pinch of pity for Thomas and Jill especially when he said of his cabbie, that the communication was harder here than in a foreign country. The cabbie kept pointing to his GPS when they were asking for a computer or internet. Really? They really did have bad luck. Oh well, maybe they get to come back on next season all star losers.
Meanwhile on the CBS Morning Show, Nat and Kat were there with Brooke and Claire, who by the way is married and expecting, that was fast. Brooke of course did most of the talking and looked disappointed that they couldn't run next season's All Star Losers because of Brooke's pregnancy. Aw, don't think I could live through another season with Miss Congeniality, all that perkiness makes me want to put my head in a lion's mouth.
One question are Nat and Kat a couple cause if they are they make a cute couple, even the name is catchy. Snaps to Nat and Kat-first girl team to win!- Single D
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