Sunday, February 17, 2008

UFO Hunters - Alien Abductions

It all started in 1961 with Betty & Barney Hill when they were abducted by aliens in New Hampshire. The team goes to New Hampshire to interview the Hill's niece, Cathy. As Cathy recounts the Hill's story, she takes them to the spot where the abduction occured. Cathy also still has the dress that Betty wore that night. The team gets two samples of the dress to do some testing after hearing that the dress had been covered with a pink powder after the abduction. Apparently Betty never had the dress cleaned, yuk! The tests came back inconclusive showing a protien that was not alien in nature. The only thing that is still unexplained is the fact that Betty drew a star map showing where the aliens were from. In 1972 a star system that matched Betty's map was discovered. Fast forward to present day and Jeff. Jeff was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning about four years ago. A recent xray showed a piece of metal in his upper thigh. He called the UFO hunters for help. The team tests the metal which was still in Jeff's leg and found that it was emitting rado frequencies as well as putting off high electromagnetic fields. The object was removed and the radio frequencies stopped as soon as it was out of Jeff's body. Under the microscope, the object looked like a tiny meteorite. After further testing it was found the object was made mainly of iron. The conclusion - one team member says the object was nothing more than an iron pellet while another team member says it is possible alien n nature. Double D

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