This reward challenge promised a Big Battle. For the reward, three things out of the comfort catalog. Are there goose down pillows and a feather mattress in that catalog, because that would be the things I would fight for. With the battle lines drawn, it was like sandbag touchdown, get five bags across the goal and win. Easy and simple and nothing like getting down and dirty. I was surprised there wasn't any ripped clothing and once again Eliza takes a good beating. There were several moments when I was wondering where were James and Oz? It looked like the fans were going to wi
n, but then faves came through once James got back in the scramble when he saw Amanda being pounced on. Go James, forever the gentleman.

It was off to exile island for Kathy again and this time Ami. Were they holding hands, hummm.....With the approaching rain storm, neither one could muster enough energy t
o look for the hidden immunity idol. The faves won their tarp just in time for the torrential rainstorm and slept dry and cozy. That could not be said for the fans camp, it looked so totally miserable. If I were there, I would be kicking myself, why did I leave my nice warm bed at home?! How badly do you need a million dollars?

For the immunity challenge, it
should have been in the bag for the faves. Hold a sack of coconuts, how hard is that especially for our bo-hunk James. Doesn't he have Herculean strength? I thought Ozzy should have been holding with James and not Jonathan. Anyway, the faves lose it to the fans. Aw come on guys, weaklings! You're such a disappointment! I only wish I could like someone on the fans side and I'd be done with you especially what you did to my fave Yau-man.

Good for Mikey. He figured out that Joel is the real muscle head behind the tribe. Mikey chews out Joel about the switch in the vote and Joel pretty much ignores him. Then Joel says he can't wait for the baseball bat to come and hit him up side the head. I can't wait for that baseball bat to crash on Joel's big head! I like Mikey, maybe just because Joel doesn't and I can't stand Joel! He needs to go back to the fire house and swing an axe on a burning building to get rid of some of that anger and frustration. OK, I'm done!
At the faves camp, it's alliance central with everyone still scrambling on who's with who, or is that who's on first? The couple's alliance tries to get Eliza to come over with them. Are they nuts? The last thing you want to do is give Eliza ammunition! Then there is Cirie who seems to think everyone should be catering to her since she is not really in an alliance and would turn out to be a swing vote. As she said, "I don't see anybody doing my laundry". You won't either honey.

After returning to camp, Amanda & Parvati strike a deal with Cirie to take her to the final three if they, in turn, vote out Yau-Man if the time comes. I still can't figure out why Cirie has such a hate on for Yau-Man. What did he do to her? Maybe she see's that if he sticks around, he will win the million. Who knows, but that just sealed her fate with me. Out with Cirie!

The faves are certainly letting Cirie run the show. Jonathan, Ozzy & James see this and try to talk Cirie into voting other than Yau-Man. Cirie will not change her mind. My question is, why keep her around? What is she doing for the tribe? Zilch, zero, nada, bubcus!! Let's send her and Joel home together! OK, I'm done.

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