Tensions are running high on the Fang tribe after losing once again! Crystal spills the rice and Matty and Ace give her the looks of death. Ok, maybe Matty and Ace didn't say anything, but I know they wanted to say, you stupid idiot! So Crystal tries to pick up every grain of rice and even refrains from eating her portion. Come on, are they really starving? Yes, I guess they are since they all look like skin and bones. I think dieters should sign up, what a great weight loss program, surviving on rice and fruits. That must wreck havoc on one's constitution if you get my drift.
The reward challenge is a game of keep away and who by the way let Sugar play? She is so totally useless in any challenge. She looked like a school girl saying to the boys, aw come on. Fang once again loses the fruits and letters from home. Everyone gets a letter but did Randy get one? He wasn't crying crocodile tears like everyone else was. He was just sitting there like he didn't have anyone back home who loves hims, gee I wonder why?
The immunity challenge features a log roll, where professor Bob says he was the log rolling champ back home,yeah, but how many years ago was that? Jeff Probst says that this time both tribes will be going to tribal council and that th
is challenge is for individual immunity. We know who will reign over individual immunities and that would be first time winner, Marcus. After winning the immunity, Jeff announces that Marcus can now give an immunity to the other tribe, which Crystal is like pick me, pick me! Of course he totally over looks her to give the immunity to Sugar. Now she has two immunities. Back at camp, Kenny tells Sugar that Ace needs to be voted out as he's the snake of the tribe as the cameras pan to the snakes slithering in the jungle. Ace asks Sugar for the idol and I thought she might give in to his request, but that only served to confirm to her that Ace is a snake. At tribal Fang is still going on about the spilt rice and Crystal gets her defenses up. Ace is blindsided by the tribe and is voted out.

Back at Kota, Susie opens her big mouth to Corine by saying that she almost voted Corine out so now Corine has a vendetta against her. Is Susie that dumb? In the end, the tribe succumbed to the fear that Dan had the idol and voted him out. Dan's game playing was just awful. Hasn't he ever watched Survivor before, probably not, he's probably just another mactor. Let's hope next episode, the tribes merge, how much longer can Fang survive?-Single D
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