It's down to the final four. At least three of them deserve to be there. I still don't think Meaghan should have made it this far but good for her that she did. When they arrive at the studio, they find out that they are playing for themselves since every game will be an elimination.

The first game is called Making New Friends in Japan. The contestants have five tasks to complete. 1-get someone to draw a magic marker mustache on them, 2-get someone to kiss them while another takes their picture, 3-get someone to dress in a Statue of Liberty costume, 4-get a business card and 5-get 3 people to do the "wave". Nothing hard about that!

Donnell starts out by running down the street, arms outstretched yelling "does anybody speak English". He looked so desperate that even the English speaking people were saying no. They all get the mustaches then Justin finds a guy to give him a kiss. I'm sure he would have kissed him on the mouth if it meant $250,000! He gets the kiss but can't get the Liberty costume on his volunteer. Meanwhile, Donnell gets on his knees and begs people to do the

wave with him and Meaghan gets business cards from two guys who really think she wants their numbers. I wonder if they're still waiting for her to call. Meaghan gets back to the studio first with Donnell right behind. Justin rounds out third leaving Bilenda to get carried off by the sayonara boys. For a reward, the final 3 get to see their loved ones. Donnell's wife and Justin's girlfriend are a bit on the large side, OK they're fat. It just surprises me because they

don't look like what I pictured those two would go for. Meaghan gets to visit with her best friend. As everyone visits with their loved ones, Tony comes in with news. A night on the town maybe or perhaps a day at the spa? No, visit is over and it's time to play the next game. I think they only got about a half hour of visiting. Before they start the next game, Rome asks them what they would do with the money. Donnell says he will pay off his student loans and mortgage, Meaghan says she will help her mother (always a crowd favorite) and Justin says he will take a vacation and buy jewelry for his girlfriend. I was hoping Justin would win up until then. Not that I wouldn't take a vacation with some of the money, but tell me something I want to hear like I'll help orphans or I'll open an animal sanctuary. I don't want to hear that you are going to squander the money on jewelry for your girlfriend who already is sporting a pretty good bling collection! So now I'm cheering for Donnell because I just don't think Meaghan will do it.
The next game is called Squishy Squishy. The players wear sponge suits, soak up water, run through a maze while the opponents try to hit them with spiked balls (not real spikes) then squeeze all the water out of the suits on the other side of the maze. Sounds easier than the last game. As they don their sponge suits, which look like giant sumo wrestlers, Justin says he could pee in his and no one would know. Wouldn't that be cheating? Donnell goes first and gets through the maze twice with a good amount of water. Justin makes it through three times making Donnell nervous. Rome is really cheering for Meaghan telling her to "squeeze until you die"! They reveal the water amounts and Donnell wins the round. Rome falls to his knees in anguish when Meaghan comes in last. Sorry Rome, I don't think you are her type. Sayonara Meaghan. Donnell's wife and Justin's girlfriend join them backstage while they are still in their sponge suits. At least for a few minutes, they are all the same size!
The next day, Donnell has a teary eyed goodbye with mamason who tells him and Justin to do good and come back. They get a limo and champagne on the way to the studio. The limo makes a stop in the middle of Tokyo and Donnell & Justin are greeted by a mob of adoring fans, red carpet and a presentation from the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. I guess Majide is no small thing in Japan! Rome also gives them plane tickets to return to Tokyo. After the emotional presentations, it's off to the studio and the final showdown.

With loved ones and mamason in the audience and Rome in a tux, Donnell & Justin exchange man hugs and I love you's then all bets are off. The final game is a combination of all of the games they have played. Starting with a spinning chair (of course) they then ride a trike across a narrow wall, bust the eggs, crawl through a flour pit, climb a sticky wall, eat mocchi balls and swing on a rope to find the fake door. Once through the door, press the buzzer to win. It was pretty darn exciting. Justin takes an early lead but loses it at the sticky wall when he slides off and Donnell catches up. Donnell gets nearly to the top and loses his grip allowing Justin to pass him up. Donnell catches up at the mocchi ball eating but Justin has a bigger appetite and gets his balls down faster. Justin's luck is on and he finds the fake door on the first try and dives for his buzzer leaving him the only American Survivor of a Japanese Game Show! The guys in the booth say, in Japanese, that drinks are on Justin and even judge Bob cracks a smile. Donnell was visibly disappointed but happy for Justin as they, again, exchange man hugs. I felt bad for Donnell but Justin was the better player over all. At least Donnell gets to come back for a well

earned vacation and Justin can go add to his girlfriend's jewelry collection. Sayonara! Majide! I'm really going to miss saying that!
Double D
1 comment:
The best part of this one was the part about it being the FINALE!!!
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