I guess Gone Country was hoping it could repeat last season's successful and semi amusing premise of turning someone with little or no talent into a country star. JR is still trying to get the contestants into the true meaning of country, by having them sing in a pen (prison), smashing cars and chasing after greased pigs, which by the way Jermaine Jackson refuses to do. He doesn't do p
ork, touch pork or eat pork. And I think he doesn't like to get down and dirty either. But one thing Jermaine does, is see dead people and is afraid of the dark. Yep, ya heard me, dead people from the 1800's. Weird. And they called Michael Jackson weird! The rest of the cast is pretty much a yawner. We all know Sean Young can't remember lyrics or sing a lick, but she sure can smash up stock cars, go Sean! Mikahla looks like she should be on the cover of Playboy, how did she go from sweet (American Idol) to looking like an experienced bunny? And for the rest, with the exception of Sebastian sound like muzak in an elevator.
Now I must say a few words for the lamest show on CMT, Outsiders Inn, based on the trio from the previous season of Gone Country, your friends and mine, Maureen McCormick, Carney Wilson and that
lovable drunk, Bobby Brown. The premise, Maureen decides to run a hillbilly Bed and Breakfast Inn called, Pigeon Manor and decides to calls her two BFF's Carney Wilson and Bobby Brown. Carney will cook (she cooks?) and Bobby, what shall he do? Oh yeah, he'll be the Entertainment Director, what is this Love Boat? Ok, I'll bite, sounds like it could be fun. Wrong! Come on, it could have been funny if it was not some over done, over wrought road kill. Do we need stuff like, the trio guest judging a local talent show, but the entire time Carney is lifting her ass because she has a bad case of hemmoroids which gets worst as her temper gets meaner and then she tells one contestant to keep his day job, only to find out the next day when visiting the doc for some hemmor
oid remedy that the doctor is the dejected would be singer from the night before? Planned, fake and staged. Not funny. Or the one where they book an animal convention, where a man brings his goat with him for a little one on one time in the honeymoon suite. Or the redneck honeymooners wanting green jello in their bath tub, but Carney and Maureen end up in it, with Carney farting of course! It could be funny but the whole thing speaks of the contrived and staged like a really bad sitcom. The whole idea is a mess of goats, free loading hillbillies, Carney baking apple pies, Bobby sweating while hunting bears and Maureen riding on a tractor in a cut too low, red Scarlett O'Hara dress. Sorry, I pass. Ya, Ya, so I did watch more than one episode!
The one thing that did astonish and amazed me was the one episode of My Redneck Wedding I did watched. Are there really people like that? The bride, an ample swell of a girl, marrying Billy Bob, a skinny toothless wonder. Why is it that the bride is always fat and the groom is always skinny? The bride gets ready, she does her hair, but wears not a lick of make-up and boy she needs it. When she's all gussied up, she hops on the wagon that is being pulled by the tractor lawn mower that takes her to the local community center to get herself hitched. After the ceremony, it's all outside for a monster truck rally in the mud with the newly hitched bride and groom gettin all down and dirty. Hee Haw!-Single D

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