First off, let me say, doesn't Jerry have anything else to wear beside that red sleeveless shirt? No one wants to see Old McDonald bare his arms, ei, ei, o. I just didn't understand the Renegade reasoning to have Memphis go on the block when I thought they should have put up Keesha and Jerry together. Now everything rests on Memphis to win the POV. If it involves brains, Jerry might have a good chance of winning, he's shown alot of smarts in this game. Dan gets a helicopter ride to the secluded beach where he meets up with Michelle. He tries to sweet talk her into winning her vote, in which this segment should have been called how to influence people and win votes (thanks, Double D). Dan was really working it and I'm not quite sure Michelle will give in, she's one tough cookie. The stair way to Veto game was a Q & A, which always gives the game a level playing field, but thankfully, Memphis wins the POV. At the end of the game Keesha lets out a nervous laugh. Of course Memphis takes himself off and the only replacement is Keesha. Keesha then gets really nervous because when she goes into the HOH room, she gets the bad vibe that they will be voting her out. When she confronts them, they slyly look away because they can't lie to her face. If I were Keesha, I would have thrown myself on their mercy and tell them that if they kept me for one more week, I will let them win and then they can vote me out the f
ollowing week and then played like crazy to win the HOH. In the end, no matter how much wrath she spewed, Keesha was voted out by Memphis, Dan whispers in her ear that he took Michelle to the beach so she could tell the rest of the house. I'm wondering if Memphis knows how hard Dan is playing the game? I guess Dan and Memphis has a grand plan and things are falling in place for them. The three part HOH begins with a bumpy airplane ride and of course we know whose falling off first, Jerry. He goes down like a pile of leaves. It was the plan for Memphis to take a fall so Dan could win round one, but instead he holds on for several more minutes which looked like Dan might fall off. From the beginning, it looked like Dan was struggling, I guess he doesn't have good balance. Memphis takes the fall, and goes on to round two. I thought round two was funny with the punching of house guest cutouts. I thought Jerry would have done alot better, but the time of 8 minutes to 51 minutes was a big difference and Memphis wins round two. In a head to head, Dan and Memphis go up for the final 7 question, Q & A. I placed my bets on Dan, since he's pretty smart, and of course he wins the final HOH and Jerry is given his walking papers. To my amazement, Dan managed to be loyal to Memphis all the way through. Now it remains to be seen if the jury sees him as the ultimate player-Single D

Sunday's show was a complete waste of time. It was evident that the "Renegades" were prompted on which subjects to talk about and when. Some of the scenes that were shown during the funny but whoever put that lame, boring segment together and aired it should have to not only payback thier salary but also compensate the rest of us that had to sit through it. It would have been better to not have Sunday's episode on at all. You could also see that Big Brother is running out of ideas for competitions. Maybe in Big Brother 11, they will come up with some better competitions and get away from the live audience at the eviction episode.
I totally agree-seems like they are following the path of Survivor when the next to the last episode they have to rehash everyone that's gone before. -Single D
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