The TAPS team is back and they are off to Buffalo, NY and the Iron Island Museum. The museum started life as a church then became a funeral parlor before becoming a museum. When the curators where cleaning out the basement, they found about 40 urns of ashes that were never claimed while the building was a funeral parlor. Reports include feelings of being followed, locked doors which open on their own and full body apparitions.
Kris & Kris experience the front door unlocking itself and opening right after seeing a figure by the door.
Jason & Grant (J&G), in the old viewing room, start to question a spirit boy named Jimmy. They have a K2 meter set up and ask Jimmy if he would light up the lights and they light up like a Christmas tree. Just to make sure it's not coincidence, they continue to ask questions and get lights with every question. Grant finally has to ask Jimmy to stop lighting the lights. Come on, the kid just wants to play!
J&G decide to go to the attic after hearing footsteps coming from there. The opening is tiny so Grant goes as far as he can into the attic and sees that there really isn't a floor, only rafters. He sees something block the window and it starts coming at him. Jason decides he has to see this for himself so goes into the attic opening and also sees a figure walk by the window. They send Tango into the attic either because he is the smallest or most gullible. Tango starts doing EVP work and doesn't get any response so he asks Jason's permission to curse at the spirits. Jason grants permission and Tango goes off on a tangent calling the spirits all kinds of names that can't be repeated here. It was hysterical! He finally his tirade by telling the spirit he's glad he's dead.
During the review, the team gets a lot of EVPs from the attic. One voice was a man asking "what do you want?" just before Grant sees a figure coming toward him. Another EVP is when Tango was provoking the spirits in the attic. As clear as day you can hear a voice say "leave me alone". I'm telling you I had goosebumps from head to toe when I heard that one! Even Tango was creeped out.
J&G tell the museum manager not to worry that the place is haunted because it appears that the spirits are used to them being there and won't cause any problems. Double D
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