The Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV is the stop on this week's Ghost Hunters. The asylum was established in 1858 and is the largest hand cut stone masonry building in North America. At one time there were over 100 lobotomies a day performed, some without anesthesia. I guess they figured crazy people don't feel pain.
Some of the reports here are sounds, full body apparitions, shirts & hair pulled. One woman was grabbed and pulled down a hallway in front of another woman who sat on her to keep her from being dragged any further.
Jason & Grant, or J & G as I like to call them, start investigating in the main building. They hear what sounds like a voice and Grant tries to provoke the spirits and they hear laughter coming from right between them.
Steve & Tango hear laughter in the women's ward. When Tango goes outside to try and debunk the laughter, Steve hears footsteps and movement in the ward even though he is the only one in the building.
Kris & Kristen go to the main building where Kristen sees a shadow. Kris gets frustrated because everyone except her is seeing things and having experiences. Don't worry Kris the ghosts will warm up to you eventually!
J & G go back to the main building where Grant tells the spirits to let them into their world, mess with our heads. After that, they see a man in a hospital gown who puts his hands over his head, crouches down and disappears! Grant is so excited that he chases after the man hoping to see it again.
The findings - Steve finds that they were able to record a lot of the noises they heard as well as the voices. The creepiest part was when they play back the recorder that was set up in a window sill with no one around, you hear someone or something move up to the recorder and breath into the microphone. I get goosebumps just thinking about that one.
The team declares the asylum haunted and would like to come back again. After seeing the apparition, I'm sure they are clearing their date books! Double D
1 comment:
Best one yet. (Although I've missed some.)
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