Right after tribal last week, James was told to go have medical look at the cut on his finger. Sure enough, it's infected with the infection getting close to the joint which means he could lose his finger or his hand if it gets bad enough. They squirt him up with antibiotics and say they will check him out the next day. On the way back to camp after tribal, Alexis falls and hurts her knee. It's looking swollen but apparently not bad enough to send in medical. Cirie, reminding herself that she is a nurse, seems pretty happy that two people might have to go to hospital getting her that much closer to the million bucks. Don't nurses take an oath to
help people? I hope I never end up in her hospital!

It's the family/loved ones challenge with the winner taking their loved one to jelly fish lake, haven't we been there before? I had forgotten about Cirie's husband being so much younger than her. Go Cirie, there's hope for me yet! Erik was showing his super fan side by pointing out Jeff "Props" to his brother and going on about his newly acquired beard. Just how old is Erik? James' dad shows up saying he is on a diet so his stomach would looks like his. Sorry but he has a ways to go. The survivors have to answer questions about each other and Alexis is the victor. She gets to chose two other people and their loved ones to join her and her brother.

Alexis chooses Cirie and Natalie to go along to jelly fish lake and sends Amanda to Exile island. Hopefully this is Amanda's wake up call that she is not really in the girl's club and side with the guys. And why is Cirie getting a reward? She doesn't and hasn't done anything.
James gets the bad news that the infection is dangerously close to the joint and gets evacuated. That will certainly change things at tribal. At jelly fish lake, Cirie seems to get a new outlook on life while on Exile island, Amanda finds the clue that says the idol is buried under the tribe's flag back at camp. After the reward winners return and find James gone, the girls start wondering who to vote out.
Immunity challenge is to shoot your sake bottle. Shoot sake?! Isn't that alcohol abuse? Erik wins immunity which means the girls will have to turn on each other. Back at camp, Amanda empties her bag to show everyone that she doesn't have the idol but tells Parvati she knows where it is.
Erik suggests they have chicken for dinner and Natalie, with a wicked gleam in her eye, jumps in and says she wants to kill it. Don't trust that girl with the machete, it might end up in your back! While dinner is being prepared, Parvati keeps anyone from looking for Amanda while she looks for the idol. We don't see if she finds it and it looks like it is fans vs faves once again.
At tribal, James comes in looking all cleaned up and hooked up to an IV stand. Only he would be able to pull that off! After cutie Jeff has his fun questioning the tribe, it's time to vote. When Jeff asks if anyone has the idol, Amanda holds up her hand and produces the idol twirling it as she walks past the other tribe members to hand it to cutie Jeff. YEAH!!!!!! See, it takes a female to know what's what and how to use that idol! Those guys who had the idol where stupid and, yes, weak as water! Alexis receives the next highest votes and gets her torch snuffed much to the pleasure of the jury!
Double D
Can I begin by saying, hey CBS are you stealing our catch phrase-Curse of the (Immunity) Idol?
James' finger doesn't look good and it doesn't bode well since this season has been plagued with injuries and get me outta here rescues. Alexis also has taken a stumble and is on the injury list as well. The medics are called in to look at James' finger and tells him that if the next day it's still infected he might have to leave. Waaaa! Cirie on the other hand is tickled pink since that's one less survivor to get rid of. Nice and neat, thank you very much. The reward challenge is the family affair reuniting relatives w/the survivors. Looks like Cirie is the only married one of the bunch and can you say cutie to Alexis brother! The reward to jellyfish lake is so awesome. I'm putting that one on my bucket list. Apparently Cirie is so moved by the experience that she claims she has
changed from not viewing everything as a threat. Gee I wonder how long that is going to last? Meanwhile, the dreaded Medics return and pronounce Jame's finger as not healed as she squeezes pus out of the gaping wound. James is forced to leave lest he should want to dig graves with nine fingers. And so my favorite Survivor leaves. I really like James. He played an honest game, always had great instincts and told it like it was. Maybe America will vote him as Americas' favorite survivor!
I was really surprised at Parvati sticking up for Amanda when Alexis was trying to rally everyone against her. What Parvati has a backbone? When Erik won the immunity challenge, I was glad. Now the women will have to eat one of their own, let the backstabbing begin. Only it wasn't quite a backstabbing, more like it's you tonight Amanda, nice and gentle. I loved it how Parvati covered for Amanda when she was digging for the idol by saying that Amanda is washing her pits because they stink, nice!
Let me tell you, this was the most perfect execution of playing the immunity idol Ever! Leave it to a woman to carry out it out flawlessly. Major snaps for Amanda!! When she dug that trench on exile island, it almost reached America, I thought she wasn't going to find it. And a good acting job on her part when she emptied her bag and told everyone that she didn't find it. Give that girl an Academy Award! Even during tribal council, she looked so hound dog, give her a bone! Of course the editing left us wondering if she did find it at base camp under the flag. The tension, the stress, the sit on the edge of your seat! This episode should have been made into a movie, it was so perfect! When Jeff announced the usual rule to play the idol now before the reading of the votes, there was that tense moment when I thought, did she find it? OMG, the looks of shock and surprise as she said I have it and gave it to Jeff and as he pronounced it bonafide. Two votes for Alexis was enough to have her fire snuffed and as Jeff said "the tribe is perfecting the art of the blindside". It really was a mastercard moment and I know Ozzy, Jason and Eliza got great satisfaction from that.
One side note, why didn't Amanda and Parvati vote out Natalie, as she is a strong player and it looked like Alexis would get ousted with her injured knee anyway? And oh one more thing, Erik proved this episode what he's made of, ice cream, not a single ounce of substance to that boy! Go Amanda-Single D
"Hopefully this is Amanda's wake up call that she is not really in the girl's club and side with the guys."
Umm.. what are you on? Amanda put her hand up to go to Exile, Alexis didn't choose her because she doesn't like her. It's just proof that they weren't looking ahead (second time in a row) - because why would you send someone to Exile that you want to vote out? Natalie chose Jason last week not thinking it through and now they send Amanda and talk about getting rid of her because she is a "jury threat".
Stupid players. All the "fans" are really thick.
Thanks for setting me straight. Sometimes I look at things a little different, that's why we do this! Thanks for the comment! Double D
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