Sheila is the 7th juror to enter the house and she's not one happy camper. She is bad mouthing Adam saying that he threw the last challenge so that Ryan would have to do his dirty work by getting her evicted. Sheila somehow thinks that if she were in the final two, she would have gotten all the house votes to win. What? Earth to Sheila! This is your wake up call.

This finale episode of Big Brother, was a Big Blob. Dull, dull, dull. We find the house guest sitting in front of the camera shooting Adam and Ryan their best hateful last questions. Joshuah asked both of them what they would do with the $500,000 dollar prize. Adam says that he was here to play for the kids and that he would give some of the money to autistic children and create an after school care center. Very noble! Ryan on the other hand said that he would give "some" money to his mother and give some to Jen (at which point Chelsia puts her finger down her throat). In other words, he's going to spend all the money on himself, no charities there.
Many a harsh exchange transpired between the final two and the evicted house guest, can you say, bitter? Ch
elsia is still raging and most likely should seek some anger management classes, because that girl's got issues. Poor Adam, he took the brunt of criticisms from the house guest and you could see his face turning red as he tried to defend himself. I just wanted to say, lighten up house guest, it's just a game. Adam says to Ryan, that Josh, James and Chelsia are psychopaths, gee ya think? Oh by the way, James is still wearing that ugly pink tee, ugh!

Julie Chen ask Ryan and Adam to say in one word how this experience has been. Adam goes into this long dissertation on how rough it's been (you know how fast yak yak he talks), so Julie says "rough?" Ryan says, nerve racking, isn't that two words? Natalie still manages to be sweet even when she says with a smile, you suckers, even tho you voted me out.

Julie then announces the entrance of the house guest jurors as they cast their final vote for the winning house guest. The other evicted house guest makes their entrance as well. I'm just wondering how Jen's top was staying up. Julie then announces the winner of Big Brother by pulling up the keys. It was almost unanimous for Adam with the exception of Joshuah voting for Ryan.
The winner of Big Brother season nine...........................Adam!!!!!
I hate to brag, but didn't I call it in my last blog, that if Ryan would have taken Sheila instead of Adam, Ryan would have won, because, no one would have voted for Sheila. Ryan, big mistake, you just gave Adam a 1/2 million dollars. Now Adam say thank you!
The audience favorite juror announced by Julie Chen, second place favorite, Sheila (I bet Shelia's thinking great second place, what does that get, zilch, zero, nada). The winner of America's favorite juror was James. I'm like, well ok, at least he told Chelsia off when he went into the juror house, that earned him points in my book. James, now that you've won $25,000 go out and buy yourself some new clothes!
This morning, Adam and Ryan were on the "Morning Show" and Adam announced that he is giving away $100,000 to children's autism. After that donation and taxes, Adam is walking away with about $250,000. Not too shabby for 3 months work. Good for you Adam. Great Job and I hope you find a nice girl because you definitely deserve someone nice after three months of Sheila.-Single D

Oh yeah, James was America's favorite juror. He still creeps me out especially after the scandal broke. I guess he didn't make alot of money making those movies and had to resort to Big Brother! Until next season - Double D
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