This week it is Neil Diamond songs-is he still alive? If he is, he's really well pickled. Hey Neil, whose your plastic surgeon? This week each idoltestant gets to sing two Neil Diamond songs, are there that many? Jason Castro chose to sing "September Morn" which I think suited his corny subway voice. And "Reverend in Blue Jeans" which I absolutely hated. Hey Jason, you can still make money singing with your guitar case open in the subway stations!
I'm sorry to say, that I think David Cook is a fraud. Sorry David, but I have read that your "arrangements" to your chosen songs were not entirely your "own" arrangements. Hey, what do you say about that? The judges gushed on how innovating and entirely different and new you made certain songs sound as your own, when it was previously done by other artists. I think at least you could have given some sort of credit to your predecessors. I knew there was something artificial about him, as he doesn't come off entirely sincere. Brooke White sang "I'm a Believer". Isn't that a "Monkeys" song? Either way, I'm not a believer! Although she sounded good sitting at her piano singing "I Am, I Said". And David Archuleta picked the perfect song in "America" , he's religious and patriotic! Kudos for Simon admitting he picked the perfect song. And poor Syesha, are the judging not hearing what I am hearing through my TV? I think her singing voice is amazing, well if you like Broadway that is. Don't worry Syesha, you'll have a theatrical career at any rate.
The highlight of the entire evening though, was when our ditsy, drunk, damsel, Paula was giving her critiques on the first round of songs, and thought that Jason had already sung two songs. She rambled on and on about his two songs, how she loved it when he sang in his lower register on the first song....blah, blah, blah. I wished they would have let her mouth keep running, but the look on Ryan Seacrest's face was priceless and Randy had to rescue Paula by saying that he only sang one song. Paula was then totally confused, what? I thought he sang two songs? Paula, next time you drink before the show, make sure you sober up before going on the air! -Single D
Reverend In Blue Jeans???
know it's Forever in Blue Jeans...just wanted to see if anybody was reading out there? Thanks! Nods to Malcolm Higgins for that parody song-Reverend in Blue Jeans.
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