Vanessa's hand is so seriously wounded from the oil spill that she will have to see a plastic surgeon, maybe he can remove some of those brown spots on her face as well, ouch! Chef Ramsay shows the chefs a pizza creation from one of his restaurants that fetch a whopping price of $200.00! It is made of white truffles, in my book it better come with a diamond bracelet under that pepperoni, er truffle. The challenge, to create a high end pizza in 45 minutes. This challenge definitely delineated how each team works, with the girls communicating with each other on what each one was making. The guys being the territorial animals that they are, didn't speak to each, they just sniffed around like dogs inspecting a fire hydrant. I do have to give credit to Matt as he tried to get the guys to talk to each other in an effort to win this challenge. After all the pizzas are make, each team will have to decide which pizza merits the taste test from Chef Ramsay. The girls choose Jen's French/Italian Pizza and the guys chose Ben's duck confit (what exactly is confit?). Chef says it's really close but in the end chooses Jen's prosciutto and sundried tomato over Ben's duck confit and chanteralls (which were gritty). For the girl's reward a helicopter ride to Santa Barbara to eat at "Square One', home of the $90.00 burger. If I'm eating a $90.00 piece of meat, it better be accompanied by a lobster!
The guys have to do the prep for the evening and Louross is losing it. He has a towel wrapped around his head and is crying, jeez, get a grip and stop the whining! Matt, the softie of the group still insist that they need to communicate. He reminds me of the "cowardly lion", if I were king of the jungle!
Before the dinn
er service begins, Vanessa is frustrated that she can't work up to her level and goes to speak with Chef. She doesn't want to stay if she can't compete at 100%. Personally, I think it was just too much for her and this was her way out. So after about 2 seconds of thinking it over, she told Chef Ramsay, she was bowing out.

On top of trying to complete the dinner service, which will feature the winning pizza, they will also be delivering pizza in a golf cart with Ben as the pizza delivery man. In the kitchen, our cowardly lion, Matt has trouble cooking the quail eggs so finally for once, Bobby, who dubs himself the four star general, acted like one for once, and stepped in to cook the eggs. The phone is ringing off the hook with pizza orders, and it's Ben's turn to deliver the pizza. He did manage to find the address for someone not knowing LA, must not have been too far. Hey Ben, if you wash out of Hell's Kitchen, you could always deliver pizzas fpr a living! Both sides for once complete the dinner service, but not without it's weak players, Roseann for the girls and Matt for the guys. However, Chef tells each team to call out one person for elimination. The girls first decide on Roseann but then flip to Christina as a ploy to get the strongest competitor out. The guys vote Louross. Chef is confused when the girls nominate Christina as clearly she's was not the weakest player. As he's about to say who is leaving Hell's Kitchen, he decides that no one will leave this week as Vanessa bowed out leaving a stay of execution for Louross and Christina. Hey, did I tell you Roseann looks like my cousin, Sue? I wonder if she smokes and drinks coke like a fiend?-Single D
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