This episode, Chef sends Jen back to the girls team and Matt back to the guys team. Neither side is happy with the switch. At 6 am the blindfolded group finds themselves on the roof top of Chef Ramsay's new LA eatery London West Hollywood. It is here that he announces that the teams will merge. For their first individual challenge each person is assigned one item, Petrozza-chicken, Matt-veal, Christina-sea bass, Corey-lobster, Jen-beef and Bobby-duck. Pretty much everyone did really well, but Chef chooses Jen's paper thin rib eye as the winner. Chef likes her dish so much that he's going to put it on the dinner menu. For her reward she gets to chose one person to accompany her. She choses Corey, which Matt says it's like pairing a cobra with a mongoose. So it's off to Las Vegas, baby! to see last season's winner, Roc at Green Valley Ranch at his Terra Verde restaurant. What a nice gig. The girls get a gorgeous suite with their very own bath and their very own swimming pool. Must be nice! The rest of the group gets the delivery punishment, carrying heavy supplies into the restaurant. Matt complains non-stop getting on everyone's last nerve. Bobby says Matt is like a full metal jacket when he's pissed. Matt definitely needs some anger management classes. He's so looney, he's one fork short of a set, he's the missing knife in the butcher block, he can't find his beans and franks with both hands (as Jeffie would say), there's a cuckoo missing in the clock, he forgot to take the out to lunch sign off his head, ok, he's just plain psycho and lives in the land of twilight zone, cue music.
Chef Ramsay must know that Matt is really getting to Christina and pairs them up together on the meat station for the dinner service. Pretty much dinner service is a disaster with Christina and Bobby mixing meats while cooking them, like cooking the salmon with the chicken? Corey loses it on the vegetable station, how hard is it to cook green beans? And again Matt is out in left field, not understanding the simplest English instruction, 2 rib eye, 1 chicken, 2 wellingtons!! Matt's brain has left the building and Matt tells Chef he has a migraine, no Matt, it's not a migraine, you need a brain for that! Hey Matt, you've given us a migraine! Chef is so frustrated he sends everyone out of the kitchen. Gee, I wondered who finished the cooking for the customers? JP? He says for them to come back when they have nominated two for elimination. When Chef ask who they chose, Petrozza says Matt and when Chef ask Corey who else, Corey says Christina, but offers herself because she failed on veggies. Chef calls all three up and brings the chef knife down on Matt. In the end, Chef recites poetry as we see Matt walk off without his chef coat-
"There once was a boy named Matt, whose performance fell flat. He was terrible on meat, it was no easy feat, and so he's gone and that's that!" or something like that!-Single D
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