I knew it when Adam did not put up James that they must have had some pact that if James won the Veto he would not use it and that was one of the first things James said. I knew it, I knew it. Meanwhile, Sheila is on a rampage and the house is in chaos now that Adam didn't put up the house favorite James. Adam begins to doubt himself and begs for forgiveness from Sheila. Finally Sheila calms down and says she's alright with it. I'm thinking all this while, that it was probably a good thing that Adam did not put up James, maybe there is a grand plan after all somewhere in the cosmos. Anyway, in this episode, we see a chink in Natalie's good girl, bible hugging armor as she makes a pact with pinkie James. She says to James, if you win the veto, you don't use it and if I win HOH, I won't put you up. Well, we'll see how long that last. The backyard is transformed into Big Brother Easter Island for the veto competition. Natalie is all excited as this game involves what else-numbers! The question are on which day did such and such happen. I'm like oh boy, our side has this one sewn up. The first question is on which day did Chelsia get evicted. Natalie finds the numbers 42. The correct number was 47, so Natalie is the first one eliminated from the game. Ok Natalie where's your number prowess? I was so nervous about James winning the veto, I don't need a suspense movie to get me to the edge of my couch. I was on the edge screaming, don't let James win! I was really amazed that Ryan had such good recall. Ok, I take every bad comment about him being a dunder head back. Ryan managed to get almost all the questions right and won the POV. James looked pathetic with his mohawk all wet like a whipped puppy. Take that! Of course the usual scheming takes place before the veto ceremony, James giving Ryan ideas about taking Natalie out and he would be the one to do it. Yeah right, take Natalie out and everyone else if he stayed. Ryan remained true to form and took Sheila off the block. S
heila was so grateful, now go cry your eyes out in the diary room. Adam put up James and I was so happy, can you see me doing my happy dance?

The next time we see Natalie, she is to my surprise trying to play all sides. What? As my friend Jeff said, "Natalie is turning into the Judas of Team Christ". Well, ok, I might have to agree with that. Props to Jeffie for that quote!

Natalie is making a deal with Sharon and Sheila for an all girls team to the final and then she turns around and tells Adam and Ryan that Sheila wants them out. Hey did you notice Sharon and Sheila have on the same blue bathing suits? With all of Natalie's scheming, James is throwing the heat toward Natalie, pointing out her sneaky side. He really knows how to play the psychological game, twist people's thinking and that's why he needs to go!

It is always fun to see the jury house, as Matt waits for the next house guest to arrive, Chelsia and then Joshuah. He's hoping Natalie wins, because then she'll buy him something nice. His luck, she'd probably give him all the money if he were to date her!
Well, at last, James is voted out of the house. The pinkie is sent packing and a collective sigh washed over the Big Brother house, well maybe that was my house!-Single D

Shiela goes into maid/mother mode and complains how no one else cleans. It's true, I haven't seen anyone else do dishes except Shiela.
POV challenge - answer the questions of what day did an event happen. I don't think Shiela could win a challenge even if they let her write the questions. Numbers Natty fails the first round and Adam puts up a wrong answer to let Ryan win POV. Natalie, still obsessed with Matt is saying how Matt is getting his birthday present in the form of James may be evicted.
Meanwhile, everyone is starting to see how Natalie is playing both sides and James trys talking Ryan into voting out Shiela. If Shiela leaves, who will do the cleaning? Ryan keeps with the alliance and saves Shiela which lets Adam put up James.
I still say that Adam's plan not to put up James worked like a charm. Natalie is getting paranoid and is lying to everone. So much for Team Christ when someone can lie with a Bible in their hand.
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