Still racing in China, teams train it to Kunming, City of Eternal Spring. Kent and Vyxsin have time to make up especially now that they have a 30 minute penalty at the end for not catching the required flight the first leg. Is that a razor blade bandana Vyxsin is wearing?
The sleeper train was stacked 3 beds high, never seen that anywhere. The clue says something about Golden Arches and not the McDonald's kind although there are plenty of McD's there. When they were waiting at the train station, Globetrotters struck up a game of basketball putting on a free show. This leg has the threat of a double u-turn so all teams are hyped up. Racing through either a doll challenge or putting together a solar tube panel. I had to laugh on how Globetrotters memorized the doll order, mop head, red head, blue rag head....Luke and Margie make quick work of the tube challenge which was surprising and arrive first at the u-turn, opting not to turn anyone. Kent and Vyxsin make it before the cheerleader, by the hair of Vysxin's bandana and u-turn them right before their eyes. Dismayed, the cheerleaders decide to u-turn Globetrotters, who were not happy. I would have u-turned Christina and Dad since they have the Chinese speaking advantage, which didn't work out too good anyway, since their cab driver took them to the wrong place. Putting the Dinosaur together looked hard and was finally the undoing of the cheerleaders having to do both challenges. Margie and Luke are showing that they are coming on strong having finished the tubes and putting the dinosaur together in quick time, who knows maybe they have a chance to win this time around.
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