Monday, August 18, 2008
Blogging Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain is a God. I think if you toss this question out into the universe, you would find a consensus. I want to be Anthony Bourdain, bear his children or at least be his traveling companion. I want to listen to his irrevent commentaries on the places and the food he eats. I want to be the words that roll off this man's tongue and drink the wine he swills. Notice how everyone calls him Anthony Bourdain, not Anthony, not Mr. Bourdain, but
Anthony Bourdain? I'm not too fond of his smoking and know that probably when his breath doesn't stink with garlic and seafood, his breath smells of stale cigarettes and booze. How does he create his dialogue for his shows? Are there many takes? Does he tell his cameraman that today he is having a writer's block and needs to drink many glasses of wine and eat many cans of oysters at the local bar in Barcelona where the tin of oysters cost 156 euros. Here he and his guide are picking away at several tins of these oily shell fish nuggets which she says only improve with age and dissolves like velvet in your mouth, an experience only rivaled by eating something so expensive with a primitive wooden toothpick. Next it's on to a gathering where the locals pick what look like giant over grown green onions which are laid out lovingly on a bed of coals, quickly charred and then wrapped in newspaper to continue the cooking process and steamed for another 45 minutes. While these green stalks steam, Anthony Bourdain is drinking wine from a fat glass vial that has a long spout for easy waterfalling drinking. Good idea for not sharing germs. After several swills from this vial, pretty soon, it will be red wine on the foreheads and chard bits of green onions from the mouth. How delicious are the green onion, at first I'm thinking about as delicious as eating a head of lettuce. But leave it to the locals to show Anthony Bourdain how to strip and dip these perfectly cooked stalks into some sort of orangy dip, head back with abandon, downing down these vegan delights in a manner that makes my mouth water. Never mind that they were cooked in newspaper, I'm sure the free fall waterfall wine made everything taste that much better.-Single D

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