I guess if anyone can dress up for a good laugh it is Chris March, last season's softie that we love so much and drag queen designer himself, all decked out in a grotesque Brunhilda like, disco bra bearing, take me to your Attila of the Hun drag queen outfit. This challenge will be to design an over the top outfit for your lovable drag queen next door and with that a parade to rival Beach Blanket Babylon, the girls come strutting in their stuff. I have never seen so much sequins and pancake makeup in one episode. I loved some of their stage names, like Farrah Moans, Hedda Lettuce, Anniad Greenkard and Sharon Needles to name a few. Each of the designers pick their models, poor Dom Stella, I thought she should have been paired with Sharon Needles, they both looked like they could chew on heroin needles for a snack. After the designers pick their models, Chris his work done here, says he needs some German food and Heidi says how about some beer and pretzels? Cute.

Oh by the way, my bad, I thought Blayne had been eliminated last challenge, wishful thinking here, but I must have dreamt that, either that, or I'm really getting those senior moments that are lasting more than a moment! Gads! Blayne is getting on everyone's nerves with is licious, this and licious that, which reminds me of my sister-in-law who used to describe herself as lusiciouslicious. Annoyinglicious, girlicious, bootylicious....shut the h---up! Keith is doing another outfit with strips, didn't he already do that? And poor Suede, his choice of Hedda Lettuce, little did he know he was picking Mommy Dearest! Hedda complains to Suede what you made gloves, were you too lazy to make sleeves? Oh Hello! I think gloves are much more time consuming to make than sleeves, what with fingers and all that? Hedda Lettuce is more like Sour Cabbage to me and certainly not Butter Lettuce. When the guys come in for their fitting, hey they really are guys. Someone said that under all that makeup was some little Mexican guy. Now I know why those guys are drag queens, they look so much better in pancake and sequins.
My favorite over the top drag queen outfit was Terri's. A mix of Kabuki meets Kiss outfit. Terri certainly thought
that she was going to win the challenge, but when the judges declared Joe's sedate pink Ann Margaret, I work at a gas station jumper as the winner, Terri had that look of I was robbed, I was robbed! And rightfully so!

It was goodbye to Daniel, I take back everything I said previously about him. Gifted he maybe, but stubborn and it's my way or the highway, well, honey, it's the highway for you!-Single D
The beginning of this episode shows the designers getting out of bed and the camera catches Stella in the hall way. How many ways can you say SCARY?! I was really surprised that she wasn't wearing a leather nightie. With that out of the way, we are greeted by last season's Chris M, or who I like to call a young Fred Flintstone, dressed in a whacked out viking outfit. He looked like he had disco balls for boobs. The challenge this week is to design for drag queens. These queens had attitude for a mile. I was cracking up most of the episode but some of these people were just over the top rude, like Hedda as Single D describes above.

Everyone is SO tired of Blayne and his liciousness. Even LeeAnn said she is getting barflicious listening to him. Suede actually referred to himself as me. Don't deny it, I heard it! Kieth has gone fringe happy again and promised Tim Gunn that he was going to shape and form fit the fringes. Blayne seemed surprised when his model came in and it was a man.

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