Give me your tired, your poor, your weird, your freaks and this season of American Idol begins. As usual, the auditions draw all the weirdos, crazies and delusional hopefuls, why should this season be any different? I did noticed that Simon, forever the same in his signature white tee shirts, coaching Paula on how to turn down those that are less talented-just say NO Paula! Paula does learn to say No, when Simon and Randy said yes (sometimes). Paula looks dewy and radiant as ever, how does she stay so young, I know, I know, plastic surgery and like I tell my husband, if I had her money and her job, I would look that rrrradiant too! Randy is still his svelte bad self, sporty sideburns and all. I love it when they play the cricket sounds as the judges sleep their way through the ones that are so utterly horrible. From the auditions, there were the forever wannabes, a Marc Anthony wannabe, a Taylor Hicks wannabe and a William Hung wannabe - hey, whatever happened to him? I bet he has some job at NASA designing rockets or something. A few honorable mentions to be noted here-James who sang "Let My People Go" and as my daughter said (she's verbally telling me word for word here), her music teacher said there's a part behind your teeth, on the top of your mouth there is a squishy part in the back and behind your teeth, there's a hard part. The hard part makes you sing higher and the squishy part makes you sing lower. So she said James was using his squishy part to sing that song. For me, it j
ust looked like he was pushing his tongue on the top of this mouth, making his singing, if you could call it that, sounding more like some kind of chanting-not to mention that no one wants to see what the underbelly of someone's tongue looks like, yuck! Another honorable mention goes out to Temptress Brown, 16, who gave it an earnest try with her mom waiting outside in a wheel chair. Temptress did cry because she didn't make the cut, but did stir the hearts of the judges which were moved to give her a group hug. Go Temptress, keep on trying and never give up hope, but maybe you should rethink the singing at least. There were some auditioners that managed to make it through to the finals, such as that poor girl that was in an accident and suffered some kind of injury to her eye and it appeared that she was trying to hide it. When she talked, her voice was high and squeaky, but when she sang it sounded manly, and yet she managed to get the "golden ticket" and this is where I say, "Are you kidding me?" Anyway this season looks like it is shaping up with some real talent. Let's see what the next few cities bring to the talent lineup and I'm sure those less blessed will also keep us amused and laughing. Oh by the way, doesn't Simon look hot this season?-Single D

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