Why is it that I always miss the first ten minutes? I come in to see Jen being transferred to the blue men's team much to the glee of Corey. Finally peace has come to the red team, or so they think. The food challenge involves 20 ingredients, 4 dishes and all ingredients must be used but not more than once. Sounds easy enough. The girls are methodical and portion out the items quickly while the blue team is trying to sort it out and takes up most of the 45 minutes to decide who will cook what. Jen's big mouth is not winning any points with the guy's team of course. She really is like a bull in a china shop. Well into the cooking we see Matt gasp as he claims that he sliced off the tip of his finger. Ouch that's gotta hurt. They call for the medic and whisk him out of the kitchen. Yikes is there blood on the cutting board? Chef Ramsay ask does anyone know where the finger is as the girls peer into a pan of cooking pancetta. Ick! Guess I know where I won't be eating tonight! I don't know if they ever found the tip, however, I'm wondering if that counted as one of the 20 items? Down to the final few seconds and Louross is debating whether he should put the veal with his fish as he doesn't want to wreck the taste. Hey buddy, you don't have a choice, do ya? You have to use all the ingredients! That narcisstic decision cost the blue team a win and so they are stuck with hand washing all the linens, while the red team gets the In Style photo shoot. You knew the girls would win. Chef Ramsay always makes the girls win for that photo shoot. I think he thinks he looks better with women draped all over him rather than sweaty guys. I was surprised how well the girls cleaned up. I could barely recognize them. Meanwhile Jen is cursing at Louross for not putting the veal on his dish, how could you be so stupid! Louross is getting mad at Jen's attitude, hey I'd be pissed too! Now go do my laundry!
That evening the surprise guest for this dinner service are two food critics, one from Zagat and the other one I don't remember, all I know is that she was stuffing food in her mouth. Hey, I want that job! The blue team falters when Petrozza cuts the beef too soon. Who cut the beef? But that was their only trip up as the girls quickly fall apart and Chef Ramsay sends the tearful red team out of the kitchen and makes the blue team finish their dinner service. After the service ends, Chef Ramsay tells them that the critics declared the blue team the winners, much to Jen's obvious delight. He tells Corey to chose two from her team for nomination. She picks Matt and Roseann, but Chef also calls out Christina. After an English beating, he sends Roseann back to the line but wait, not so fast cookie, he then decides to fire her. Aw man, that's mean! He's had it in for Roseann from the first NY accented word she spoke in his kitchen. And so with that, Roseann is stripped of her chef coat. Hey, have you noticed when Chef Ramsay says 'Piss off" it's really a term of endearment? Honey I love you, piss off!-Single D
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