Let me be brief-David Archuleta wins American Idol!!!!
Well, that's the way I had imagined in my mind, but here's what happened:
Finale countdown and it's the duel of the Davids. American Idol played it off like a boxing match between heavy hitter, David Cook and the lightweight contender, David Archuleta. They even had that boxing announcer, what's his name, as ringmaster. This was really a showdown of two different styles of singing. David Cook the rocker wannabe and the soulfully pure voice of David Archuleta. I like them both and they will both be successful I'm sure. Does David Cook have the kind of voice that you will remember in the years ahead or will his fame come from rocking some really great tunes like rock bands before him. Really, no one remembers a rockers voice, they only remem
ber the song. Can you really say that Cook has a memorable voice? Will he be remembered as one of the great singers from American Idol. Can he match the vocal skills of Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson? I think not. He'll make a great lead singer for a band, like Daughtry, but as a solo artist, not hardly. Little David does need some more maturing and experience. He's definitely wet around the edges and you can so totally see the difference in their ages. David Cook is more polish and secure on stage which in a few more years David A, will be there too. I think David A. made a believer out of Simon Cowell, as Simon was on Ellen the other day saying that he was hoping for Cook to win. That night, Simon told little David that it was a knockout declaring David A. the winner! You made a believer out of Simon and if you made a believer out of one of Idol's most caustic judges then you must be it! I didn't have a shadow of doubt that David A would not walk away with the crown, wrong! First of all, let me say that the final night of Idol was way too long, about an hour too long. I started to lose my interest right around the nine o'clock hour when I decided to go on my computer and what is on the internet, but the Idol spoiler! David Cook wins the Idol Crown it screams across my screen! What! So I quickly type in Zabasearch, this website
has been predicting Idol spoilers and there on it's website it declares David Cook as the winner, stats and all. I was so disappointed that David A didn't win, that I didn't watch the rest of the idol finale. I'm sure David A will get signed on to some record deal, but it would have been nice to see this humble kid win. David Cook wasn't even interested in singing, he just auditioned on a whim and now look at him, winner of American Idol. Well, good luck David Cook, hope you're not just a flash in the pan to fade to black and white like some previous idol contestants. Meanwhile, I'm sure we haven't heard the last from David Archuleta, at least while his dad is in charge! -Single D

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