After tribal council, James is telling everyone how stupid they were for voting out Yau-Man. They should have all turned on Cirie or at the very least Eliza. How did Eliza get to be a favorite? Her tribe on her show didn't want her and this tribe isn't real thrilled to have her either. I guess the real favorites have real lives and couldn't be on the show. I would have loved to have seen Ruben make a come back. Anyway, back to the show.....

The reward challenge was to dive under water, get coconuts with letters on them from a cage and unscramble the letters to spell a word. Ozzy must have gills because, I swear, he is half fish. He was the man with the plan. He moved the coconuts to the front of the cage so that all the others had to do was pluck them out. The plan paid off and the faves got their coconuts first. When it was time to unscramble, James took one look and said "triumphant, is that a word?" To which Cirie said no that's not it, yes it was Cirie, your attitude is showing again! The faves win the reward which are egg laying chickens.
Ozzy and Kathy end up on exile island. Kathy is got to be asking herself why is it always me? But she is happy just to spend time with her favorites, alone. She never tries to look for the idol anymore. Ozzy is all over it looking for the idol and finds it! He pulls a Yau-Man and makes a fake idol, putting it back where he found the real one. Right on Oz-Man!
At the fans camp, everyone is getting annoyed at Chet for not doing anything around camp. It looks like he just doesn't want to be there. So plans are formulating to vote him out.
Immunity challenge is a repeat of the sliding hub challenge. The fans start having problems right away and the faves gain an early lead. That contraption just does not look like fun to me. Those straps look like they would chafe! And that's why I watch the show and don't try to be on it. The faves, who have lost all of the immunity challenges but one, finally end their losing streak and the fans have go to tribal council.

When the fans get back to camp, Mikey gets Joel to vote with him to send Chet packing. Tracy gets worried thinking the younger set will vote off the older people one by one and starts working on Joel to oust Mikey and save Chet. I thought it would be hard for her to convince Joel because Chet is pretty much useless, but Tracy is a good persuader and gets Joel on her side. Chet has just given up and isn't even trying to do anything around the camp and is horrible at the challenges. Tracy should give up trying to save his sorry behind and concentrate on saving hers. Is it just me or are the fans a strange looking bunch?

At tribal council, Jason actually stops Jeff just as he is announcing it's time to vote and tells everyone to stop and think about who they should vote for. They don't listen and Mikey becomes the next outcast and Tracy's little alliance is safe, for now. Now that Mikey is gone, I'm jumping on Tracy's bandwagon to last it out for the fans, she is a fighter.
Double D
I just don't get it, you'd think the faves would learn from experience but nooooo, they all voted out Americ
a's sweetheart, Yau-man who wouldn't hurt a fly. Good for James telling the group that they should have kept Yau-man and got rid of Eliza. Who knew she was sick? I think it would be so miserable to be sick on an island. Just get me to my bed and leave me the h-ll alone! The faves better watch their backs with Cirie as she blatantly tells her alliance that yes, she jumped ship, and she'd do it again in a heartbeat. Back at the fans camp they finally catch an eel. Looks good enough to eat. Cut to the scenes of Chet in the water, it looks to me like he's always peeing. Chet lounging in the ocean, peeing, Chet in the water peeing, Chet in the lagoon peeing. For the reward challenge it's a swim relay and our Ozzy boy has not lost his jungle boy appeal. He hot dogs it underwater and moves the coconuts to the front of the line. Jeez is he a merman as well, looks like he can hold his breath for 10 minutes! Once back on shore with their coconuts, James surprised me by knowing the word scramble. Well maybe he does have some book smarts after all. So it's Oz and Kathy back to exile island. Come on, someone send me to exile island with Oz please!!! Kathy is just so over being there, she has no interest in looking for the immunity idol. Meanwhile, Oz is gathering clues and nonchalantly looking for the idol so as not to pique Kathy's interest in the idol, when Bingo he finds it. He learned his lesson well by sculpting a bogus idol and putting it in its stead, a lesson he learnt from Yau-man. I loved that, now lets see if anyone gets taken in by that. As Confucious say Idol in hand better than fake in the bush. I loved it when Oz hid the idol in his hat. He looked alittle cockeye, but Kathy didn't notice, she was too worried about catching dinner.
For the immunity challenge, a series of keys and locks, negoiating a maze and then the final sentence scramble, I thought for sure the fans were going to win it. Thankfully, the faves were able to pull this one off and won immunity and lived to backstab another day.
At the fans camp, it was pretty set to vote off Chet with Joel and Mickey coming to a truce for the meantime, or at least that's the way it appeared until Tracy went to bat for Chet. Stupid, stupid and more stupid. Now I'm always rooting for the older ones, because why should any game be divided upon age lines. The older ones are always more smarter and have more experience, need I remind you of previous Survivors, Tom and Yau-man? Is Tracy standing up for Chet because he's closer to her age and she feels less threaten by him, or because she really likes him? H
e's good for nothing. Chet says to her, in his hound dog manner, it's me tonight and it should have been. He looks like an old tired leather shoe. At the campfire Jeff Probst knows how to ask the right questions and stir the pot. Right after the q & a when Jeff was about to say time to vote, Jason blurted out an earnest plea to vote for strenght which took Jeff by surprise, you see his mouth form a surprised O. In the end, Joel caved under the pressure of mind bending and voted Mikey B. off. And this is where I say again, stupid, stupid, stupid!-Single D
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