Can't believe another season of Project Runway is coming to a close. Somehow, I just don't think it's fair that Rami and Chris have to prove their stuff and design a whole collection only to show three outfits, with one getting auf and the other getting to go on. It's like telling a kid that you can make an ice cream cone, but you only get to lick it three tim
es. It was interesting to see where the designers come from. Christian's NY apartment is just like him, tiny. His apartment is so small that his closet doubles as a bedroom and sewing room. How ever does he do it? Oh well, he's young and can suffer like that. A peek at his collection looks like the Matrix meets Tinkerbell. Tim Gunn then goes to Jillian's apartment also in NY, except you can tell she makes way more money than our poodle dog as evident by her fabulous NY views. A peek at her outfits look like a collection of Renaissance suits. You know jackets? Onward to her parent's house in Long Island, so apparently she does come from priviledge, no lean days for her. Next it's off to Rami's in LA. Rami's collection looks interesting and thankfully not all draped. He then takes Tim to his studio or is it a store too? H
e already looks successful, why does he need project runway? Last but not least is our teddy bear, Chris in NY. His collection had a special accessory, human hair, to which Tim said his gage reflex was kicking in! OUCH! Chris then takes Tim to his friend's house, I'm wondering if he's his "life partner"? That house was so suffocating, it was like being in a carved tomb. I would be screaming someone let me outa here!

Once all the designers are back in NY, Chris and Rami have the walkoff for the last place on the runway. As they get their outfits ready with the help of the other designers, Christian asks Chris if he would like him to brush his outfits, you know all that hair and stuff! I was afraid that Chris's outfits were just too Flapper Era, you know Boo Boo Pee Doo! All his outfits had unusual hardware such as safety pins, human hair and tuna cans (just kidding about the tuna cans). As it turned out, I think the judges thought Rami's outfits showed alittle more sophistication than Chris's, so our loveable teddy bear was given his walking papers, hey who said you don't get second chances. It
was quite the sad moment when he left, I'm just wondering what happens to the rest of his collection? Do they go into Parson's wax museum collection for aspiring designers? Sorry to see you go Chris, but stick to wardrobe designing for Broadway musicals, that seems more your genre.-Single D

It's off to fashion week for our designers. Tim pays a visit to each to see how they are coming along. First up is Christian in his NYC studio apartment that could double as a shoe box. He shows Tim that his bed in the closet. It didn't look like the place was big enough for a closet. Chistian then shows off some of his designs including a pair of pants made from feathers, yes feathers! Looks like a little of Chris M rubbed off on you Christian! Tim wasn't real thrilled about the feathers and told Christian to "think about it", but when did Christian ever listen to Tim?

Next stop, LA and Rami. We find out that Rami's mother was a former Miss Jordan, as in beauty queen, and he looks just like her. Joan of Arc is the inspiration for his line. As soon as he said that I thought here we go with the draping but surprisingly he stayed away from the draping which, I'm sure was killing him. He did have some jackets which will probably make Jillian green with envy.

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