I think some of Jame's pink
dye is rubbing off on Cheslia as her hair has a pink streak through it, very cute, couples that dye together stay together? After the HOH challenge where the house loses their cup priviledge, they were surprised when they went back in that all the cups were gone. Poor Matt said now we'll have to drink from bowls like dogs, oh boo hoo, suck it up, or in this case lap it up. It's always interesting to see the pictures of the families in the HOH room. Cheslia's had a picture of her cat, a big fat orange tabby whom she shared a striking resemblance too. Well, I guess it's appropriate that she likes orange hair things. James saw a picture of his mom and sister and said that he hadn't seen them for nine months. I'm wondering if they even know he's on Big Brother? Now that James and Chelsia share the honeymoon suite, James is putting the moves on Chelsia. I don't think James was so happy about leaving all that snoring, as he was about getting Chelsia alone at last. He feigned he was tired, what was 3 pm? Chelsia seem to contemplate whether or not she wanted to get more acquainted with him as you saw the question, "should I or shouldn't I". I think she pretty much sealed her fate when she told Amanda that anything you say to James you say to me because we Are One and James is thinking
prove it! Chelsia looks like a nice girl, but I guess the effects of being sequestered in a house and being paired with someone you don't know takes it's toll and makes you do things you otherwise would not do in real life. I just cringe when I see James sans clothes, yuck! He has tats that are either too obscene or crude to show on TV and what's up with the bow tie tat on his neck? Didn't anyone tell him that you might not like that tatoo when you're eighty? Not to mention his icky white torso. Maybe he should get his back tatoo so he could have some color back there!
So James comes up with a plan to get rid of Alex & Amanda and called it "Operation Condor" complete with standing on one leg, arm pose and screech. Maybe he will get camoflage tatoos and try to go undercover. Be my guest and oust Amanda her voice is getting on my nerves anyway. Speaking of undercover, James is putting the moves on Chelsia in a big way. They take advantage of the HOH bedroom for a makeout session. Their matching pink hair streaks are so cute, don't
you think? Then there is Natalie who wants Matt in a big way and trys to lure him into the bathtub with her. I'm thinking Matt probably thinks it would all be a big tease anyway with all the cameras around what could they actually do? So Natalie is left alone with Mr. Bubble and a bar of soap.
There is just something about a food challenge with stinky dead fish. I know I would have lost my appetite. After throwing dead fish into their opposing teams nets, Amanda/Alex, Shiela/Adam and Chelsia/James lose and are resigned to eating slop for a week. Now you know that slop isn't going to taste good, so why would you run into the house just to try it? Let it be a surprise and wait until you are starving before you taste it! What I want to know, is who is going to clean up all the dead fish?
Then there's Amanda. Apparently she can't stand it when someone doesn't like her so she goes after Joshuah to make up. He wasn't having any of it but made it look good to Amanda who insisted on giving him a big wet one going so far as to grab his face and turn his head just so she could plant one on him. He couldn't get away fast enough! Bueno!

Speaking of seduction, Natalie is also trying to seduce Matt as she tries to lure him into her bubble bath, that girl is definitely not shy. Matt is trying to hold back, good for you, but let's see how long that last, as we know men and where their brains are.
As the new HOH couple, James tells Joshuah that operation condo is in effect, meaning that the top row photographs of the house guest will be the first gone, with Amanda and Alex next to go. Me personally, I can't stand Joshuah, such a queen as evident by that crown he wears! For a temporary moment, the drama centers around Allison and Sheila as they try to come clean with their lie about being a couple. When they told Joshuah, he said he was so confused that maybe he wasn't gay. This whole thing was like some convoluted scene out of 'Victor
Victoria". Oh please Joshuah you're not that confused you're just a frustrated drag queen without a love interest in the house.

The food competition had shades of
the Survivor's coconut toss, except it was a stinky fish toss. Amanda, Alex, Sheila, and Adam lost. What is slop anyway, looks like oatmeal. If it was oatmeal, I would like it, ok, maybe for the first two days only. When the losers ran into the house, Amanda ran for the slop and dished some up. I think she was excited to eat it, which would be expected from someone like that, well enjoy, now maybe you'll lose some of that baby fat.

In the end, James should not have promised Matt that he would not put him up for eviction, because in the
end that's exactly what he did by prefacing that since Matt and Natalie are the strongest in the house and will win the veto that is why he put them up against Amanda and Alex. Hey guys the operative sentence is will win, because once you say that the opposite usually happens. Matt was pissed and rightly so, come on Matt have you ever been able to trust anyone's word in the house?-Single D

Jen & Parker weren't out of the house two seconds and Allison is making plans to "develope" her relationship with Ryan. Give it up Allison, Ryan is too far gone on Jen. Too bad because he seems like a nice guy and Jen will just drag him down. And besides, you have your "girlfriend" remember?

Allison & Shiela decide to come clean about them being lovers and they get Joshuah so confused that he is wondering if he is still gay. Now that's confused!

James & Chelsia put Matt & Natalie up for eviction going back on James' word to Matt that he wouldn't. Wrong move there James! Good thing you have defend to the death Chelsia to guard you. Double D
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