Well, not really, when last we saw the house guest balancing in a glass box, Ryan, Sheila, Natalie, and Sharon battling it out for HOH. I didn't think Ryan would last too long as he was sweating buckets and of course we all know the weakling in the house is Sheila. Over half the episode was dedicated to watching the glass box endurance challenge. Sharon gives out as she drops to the bottom and says that her back has been giving her trouble. One hour, two hours goe
s by, Sharon and Adam go inside, snack time? Yeah, I'm getting hungry. Adam and Sharon better make haste as the plot is thickening outside with Ryan, Sheila and Natalie trying to shorten their time in the glass cages by making all kinds of deals. Sheila tells Ryan that she wants to win HOH, needs to win, well duh, it's about time she wins something! Weak as Water as Double D would say! Sheila tells Rye Bread that she will not put him up after he took her off the block last week, so with that Ryan drops. Meanwhile, Natalie is battling good vs. evil. The good Natalie and the bad Natalie. Sheila wants her to drop, telling her that she needs to win, she needs to hear from home, (at this I'm hearing wa, wa, wa) and that she will stay up as long as she can (which is proba
bly not very much longer). Natalie looked like she could have stayed three weeks up there, someone throw her a pillow. Natalie kept saying, what would Jesus do? Should I drop or should I stay? She kept saying the good Natalie would drop and the competitive Natalie would stay. It wasn't about competitiveness, Natalie, it was your instincts telling you to stay, because she knows no one is safe, especially her. She makes a deal with Sheila not be put up and it looked like Sheila half heartedly agreed, so you'd think she drop, nope she stays up, she still argues with herself. It was like watching the movie "Sybil". Natalie's sanctimonious stuff was getting on my last nerve and if she's not careful, I might have to root for Sharon or Adam to win.

Finally to everyone's relief, Natalie drops and Sheila is handed over the HOH keys. And of course in the HOH room we have to watch Sheila cry when she reads the letters from home. I thought the picture of her kid was alright, he looked alittle unkempt. There was a picture of Sheila from a hundred years earlier. OMG, she was gorgeous, what happened? In the words of Chelsia, she really has been rode hard and put away wet! As Adam said, I wished it was that Sheila that was in the house.
The biggest challenge was not hanging on in the glass box, but who to put up on this week's eviction block. The pickings are slim and now I'm at the point where for me, it would be alright if anyone won. In other words, I don't hate anyone like I did last season of Big Brother, Danielle and Evil Dick! Pretty much, it's the good side that did prevail after all, but Natalie better seek redemption, get thee to thy knees girl, because Natalie is giving into the temptations of greed and selling her soul to the dark side. Don't go there Natalie!
Sheila in the end, holds to her promise of not putting Natalie and Ryan on the block and nominates Sharon and Adam, with the hopes of back dooring Natalie if one of the nominees wins the POV. Well, we'll see, Natalie is a fierce competitor and of course, thinks God is on her side.-Single D
Natalie and the numbers thing again. Tonight it was all about the number 9. James was the 9th person evicted, it is the 9th Big Brother, it's the 9th week, yeah whatever. One of these times the numbers will come into play and Natalie will miss it!
Back at the box challenge, Sharon drops out first because she hurt her back. Sheila starts working on Ryan & Natalie by saying she needs to win HOH to go on with the game. Wouldn't you think that would be the last thing you would say to two people who would pounce on that in a heartbeat? It would be like sharks going in for the kill. Just getting Natalie out would keep me going in the game!

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