Sheila says that her real target this week is Natalie. She feels threaten by her and that she wants to back door her. Adam however, is shooting off his mouth again. His mouth gets him in so much trouble, he better be careful, or he'll end up on the block. Adam took the words right out of my friend Jeff's mouth, that Natalie is the Judas. Gee Jeff, maybe you should copyright that phrase?
This time it's a nightime POV. Channel surfing has come to the Big Brother house. There are about twenty different screens & remotes with different pictures. Object is to put together the pictures like a huge puzzle. We all know that Natalie says she's good at puzzles, well, she's also good at numbers, not! It looked like
Natalie made quick work of the puzzle, while Sheila and Ryan gazed fondly at their love interest, Evil Dick and Jen. Gosh, Ryan is so puppy whipped! Truth time, Natalie's whiz bang time was 12:09 to Adam's time of 3:20! Looked like Adam's strategy of lining up the remotes worked so Adam wins the POV.

It's Sheila's birthday in the house and of course Adam is wearing, what else a clown nose-how perfect! Sheila is crying buckets over the letters from home again, especially over her mother's letter, whom she
hasn't spoken with since Thanksgiving. How close can you be to someone you haven't talked to in months? I know why Mom is suddenly mom, she's smelling something green! Adam calls in everyone for the POV ceremony. You guessed it, he takes himself off the block and watery eyed Sheila nominates Natalie as the replacement.

Natalie is begging for her life now that she is on the block. Looks like Ryan and Adam are the new power couple. Natalie keeps saying that she wants to stay in the house and that she has her boy's back. To Sheila it's a slam dunk, Natalie is outta here, so she thinks. Ryan and Adam decides to call a house meeting to get all of Natalie's scheming out in the open. Natalie doesn't want to play, so she decides now is a good time to dye her hair. What amazed me was that Natalie was wearing a white tank. How did she not spill any dye on that? And she did an amazing job of highlighting her hair. If Natalie won't go to the meeting, the meeting will come to Natalie. Ryan calls her out on the carpet about all her plotting. She tells them, she's always protected them and if she did
try to throw them under the bus, oophs she really didn't mean it, she was sorry and starts to cry. Sharon meanwhile is looking frustrated, but learned early on not to say a word, smart girl. Adam and Ryan cave like the big whimps that they are. Sheila's pissed and fuming. She tells the boys that they need to get Natalie out, because next week, she's gunning for Sheila. And she tells them, that she doesn't want it to be a tie, because she doesn't want to break it and have blood on her hands. Oh boo hoo!

At the jury house, we see James make his entrance, much to the dismay of Joshuah and Chelsia. Matt's loving it that James was evicted. James tells Chelsia that the reason he got evicted was because of Chelsia's harsh departing speech. This makes Chelsia breakdown and cry. I was so pleased! At least James told her what a fool she was for saying those things. I wished I had taped that part so I could see it over again, loved it!
The night of the eviction, Julie says it time to cast your votes. Natalie gives her speech and tells the guys that she will always be true to them and for them to keep her. Sharon graciously tells everyone thank you and what happens happens. Let the guineas fall where they may. Sharon is just too sweet, is she for real?
To my amazement-Ryan votes to evict Natalie and guess what....yes Adam votes to evict Sharon. Adam walked out of the diary room with such a smirk. Those guys planned it that Sheila would have to break the tie. When Julie told the room that it was a tie, the look on Natalie's face... Priceless! Sheila then tells Natalie, how can I trust you when you said you would protect the guys and proceeds to vote Natalie out of the house. What a moment, what a shock, such good TV. Natalie kept saying who was it that voted me out?
The HOH competition, a series of fact or fiction questions, I was really hoping that Sharon would win, but Ryan got real lucky and wins HOH. Well, it looks like the girls will be put up on the block next week, no guessing there!-Single D
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