I think this
season's designers were really talented and kooky lot. Where would this season have been without , Earth to Eliza, or Miss, you don't look like the tattoo lady, Sweet Pea, or cry me a river, Ricky. It has but ended way too soon. Ah, but I'm getting wistful. Back to the three designers on their way to Fashion Week. It was funny when Tim made his usual appearance to give his last minute critiques, each one secretly hoping and enjoying when Tim would criticize the other's designs. Tim does have a way of instilling doubt and second guessing as evident by our fierce poodle dog, Christian, whom Tim said, you don't seem too fierce right now. This is the first time Christian has been subdue by the tension. Speaking of tension, Jillian was just about to cave in when it was time to chose her models and then had doubts after she had chosen them and called the agency to switch them. Christian told his models "Don't be late, B!tches!" which tu
rn prophetic.

The day of the show, all of Christian's models were late and two were very late. You had to feel for the guy, but then I thought he could always model his clothes, he can walk the runway better than most models.
Michael Kors looked like the Jack Nicholson of the design world. Guest judge was Victoria Beckham. Does that girl ever crack a smile? She always looks so sour. First up on the runway was Jillian. Her collection should have been titled Winter in New York, because it was alot of knits, sweaters and wintry looking stuff. I absolutely loved, loved, loved her collection, but was it spectacular enough to win? I loved all her designs because a real woman could wear them. They were real clothes. I'm not understanding the judges, why can't real clothes ever win the competition
? Why does it always have to be over the top and out of this world outlandish? The winners always design clothes that no one could or would wear. Jillian, keep up the work. You will one day make your mark in the design world, because real women would wear your clothes.

Next up Rami's collection. He was my least favorite and I absolutely hated all his colors. I hated all his weird sleeves. His best pieces were the gowns, they were beautiful and definitely could walk the red carpet to an Oscar or something.
Lastly, Christian collection sported a mostly solitary color, black. His collection could have used more color besides the black and tan, but it did have that OMG factor that the judges were looking for. To me it reminded me of "My Fair Lady", you know the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain. There was one model drowning in a sea of ruffles around the neck and a hugh hat, was she coming or going? The first 6 outfits were different version of the same jacket and pants, with ruffles as a major accent throughout. No ordinary person could wear his clothes, in fact, would anybody want too? Oh yes, I forgot, Victoria Beckham said she wanted to wear them. Yes, I think I remember her in a frock similar to what Christian designed. In fact she said it brought a smile to her face, (see pic), that is the first time I have ever seen her smile! I wonder if her husband knows this?
In the end, I was glad our poodle dog, Christian won, even if no one can wear his clothes. It looked like he
needed the money more than Jillian and Rami. It was as he said "Fierce"! It was a night of satisfying TV, with Allison being voted out of Big Brother and Christian winning Project Runway, now I can go to bed!-Single D

The designers are running around last minute to finish their collections. You don't really get a good look at any of the clothes, we don't want to spoil the surprise! Jillian, for once, didn't look like she was hastely putting together an outfit from scratch, after all, she did have 5 months to get it together.
The time came for model casting calls and Jillian had no clue as to what to look for. She mismatched her models, some tall, some not so tall. She starts to panic after picking and calls the agency who basically tells her you can't change. Funny, she seemed OK with it. I guess this is one area of fashion she hasn't picked up on yet.
n on the other hand was busy showing his models how to work the runway. I half expected him to don one of his creations and show it himself!

Tim Gunn calls the last gather 'round and everyone is close to tears as he tells the designers how proud he is of them. What a moment! It was so appropriate that they ended the gather 'round wit
h a group hug and happy tears.

Then it's off to fashion week and complete chaos! Christian's models are late and Jillian still had some last minute stitching going on. The only one not pulling his hair out (if he had any) was Rami. He just looked like he was born to this, keeping all cool and collected.
Jillian is up first and had a very diverse collection. Loved her clothes especially the navy blue dress and the formal pant suit. I wasn't so thrilled with the black & white sweater with the sleeves that looked like mop heads. It looked better on but still looked like mop heads.
Rami's collection was, let's say different. I liked his first two outfits, a dress and one of the formals, his model couldn't walk in it. The weaving he did was very nice. I just hope his use of color improves
before he starts sewing again.

Last, but certainly not least is our poodle dog Christian. His clothes were all the same, dark jackets with slight variations. His formal dress looked like a giant feather duster. Just think you can be stylish and clean your house at the same time! Who needs a swiffer with a dress like that?
And the winner is........Christian! I don't know what the judges are looking at but I would have preferred Jillian, but Christian could use the money for a bigger apartment. Good luck oh fierce one! Project runway will have a hard time topping this last batch of designers. I'm already looking forward to the next Project runway! Double D
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