I feel like singing "Ding Dong the witch is dead", but I digress. Trump always has to show the splendor of his lavish life, inviting the contestants to his Trump Tower apartment where it is lined with more gold than Fort Knox. There we are greeted by his wife, Melenia and their son, heir to the Trump bullion, Baron, how appropriate a name and so cute! That in itself a photo op. One thing I have to say for the Donald, his kids, Ivanka and Donald Jr. are a living tribute to the way Trump has raised his children, with good sense, responsibility and morals. Kudos Donald! This weeks challenge is to sell art. The team that sells the most wins. This is where Omarosa says she got fired last time, she was on Apprentice, so she wants to step up to the challenge as Project Manager. Be careful what you wish for. Immediately, Piers pipes up that he will be the PM for his team because he's doing it just for spite and a grudge. Finally, the feud will come to a head, with one of them getting fired.

When they go to look at the art work, Trace said that he didn't know anything about art and that they mostly all looked like a three year old threw up on a canvas. I think I heard Omarosa tell Baldwin that she called four of her biggest ballers that she knows, what does that mean? Piers calls his friend, Gordon Ramsey. I love, love, love him!!! Love Hell's Kitchen!
During the art gallery opening, Omarosa was escorting all the people that came in the door to her side of the gallery. I thought Lennox should have decked her right there. Go ahead and put her out of her misery, please!

I thought for sure Omarosa's team was selling like gang busters until, the solitary money bag that Baldwin called, actually bought pieces from Carol, then it looked like Pier's team was picking up steam.
In the boardroom, who knew the win would be hugh and a devastating blow to the other team. Piers sold a whopping $165,000 worth and poor, poor Omarosa only sold $7,000. Now that's going down in flames. Omarosa couldn't admit defeat as she continued to berate Piers even when he had left the boardroom and called him closeted gay. Trump said that Piers could come back and defend himself, in which he promptly left his war room digs and went into the boardroom. There he planted a big fat smack on top of Trace's head. I thought Trace was going to deck him. He did not like that one bit and Trump had to calm him down, saying it was just a joke. Come on Trace, we know you're not gay! Jeez, so touchy!
In the end, Omarosa was fired, now she can take her sassy self back from whence she came, I'm wondering where that might be, actually?-Single D
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