Thursday, March 6, 2008

American Idol - 80's Night

Not only is it 80's night but also "what's your most embarrassing moment" night. All of the contestants are supposed to tell their most embarrassing moment. Most of these kids aren't old enough to have had a real embarrassing moment. That, or they didn't tell their real embarrassing moments. Most of them were pretty tame like Ramiele, her moment was in grade school sending a note to a boy she liked and he didn't like her or something like that. Jason's most embarrassing moment was when he was on a date and one of his dreads came off in his hand, ok that would be embarrassing. That should be a clue for you Jason to get rid of those things, you are a good looking guy, if one could get past all that dead looking hair! He did really good this week and the judges thought so too.
David A., the most promising of the bunch didn't deliver on 80's night. He has sounded much better. Maybe it had something to do with his obviously dry lips. Get that boy some Chapstick so he doesn't have to keep licking his lips, it's distracting. His embarrassing moment was when his mother had to finish a song for him because he couldn't remember the lyrics. Just before he went on stage for 80's night, Ryan tells all of America that David was thirsty and had to pee. Now THAT'S an embarrassing moment! Makes mom look pretty good about now, huh David?
Can anyone tell me why Daniel is still on Idol? He sang Tainted Love but sounded more like tainted voice.
David H. had the best, or worst depending on how you look at it, embarrassing moment. He had a photo shoot where, in every picture, he had a huge booger hanging out of his nose. EEEWWW! I still don't think he is the best singer but he did pretty good this week. David Cook I thought was awful but the judges loved him. I guess there is no accounting for taste. Of course my Aussie cutie Michael rocked the house with "Don't forget about me".
The girls did really good this week. 80's music is right up their collective alleys with the exception of Kady & Kristy and, as Simon said, Seyesha was forgetable. Brooke put a country twist on her song while Amanda and Carly rocked on. Double D
I would just like to say that my new favorite for the girls is Carly. Wow, what a big voice. I love that song "I Drove All Night", although I didn't know it was from the eighties. Were there any good songs from that decade? I can't remember a single one and certainly not that one. You can tell that Carly has a heart of gold and radiates a sweetness about her. She certainly is grateful when judges gives her a good rating unlike Amanda Obermeyer. She never shows any emotion. Hey Simon what do you think of her personality? You're quick to say that Kady has no personality when she sings, well what about Amanda who has no personality when she doesn't sing? Personally, I could never listen to a complete cd with just Amanda on it, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I can't believe the judges love her. Maybe it's different in person?
Oh Danny, keep that flicking tongue in your mouth. Obviously you have dry lips, do as Double D suggest and get thee some Chap Stick! I still love you man, but chose better songs, it's all about song choice. And I knew there was something sleazy about David Hernandez, ex stripper. He just seemed too experienced for this fresh face competition. Hey, didn't idol expel some girls for racy there a double standard here?
I was sorry to see Danny Noriega leave the contest. Where am I going to learn the latest text abbreviations, TMTH, too much to handle, love it! I like him, not his voice and I think he would have at least kept it entertaining. Too bad Luke left the group, he sure was the eye candy of the group, love his muscles, maybe he should try modeling next?
I felt bad for Asiah leaving, well at least she got the chance and I'm sure her father is smiling down from heaven on her. Keep smiling girl! Kady, what can I say, you sounded sour the night of the girls singing and your farewell song sounded sour as well. Don't listen to Paula, wearing the hat she stole from some drunk Leprechaun, saying you should pursue singing, you just can't sing. Go to college and get another career, like maybe kindergarten teacher?-Single D

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