The tribes got a surprise when Jeff told them to drop their buffs, I just love it when he says that. No merge, just mixing it up a little. No longer are they fans vs faves. Chet and Eliza are last to be picked. No surprise with Chet but I thought Eliza would have been picked over Cirie.
The reward challenge was couples tied to each other with one couple chasing the other. The injuries piled up with Parvati getting a fat lip and Jonathan having to have his knee stitched up. Joel & Chet were partners and Joel kept pulling Chet around like a dead dog on a leash. Lighten up there Joel Ferrigno! I know Chet is useless but he is a person. When Chet let Joel know that he hit his head, Joel responds, "I don't care". Real nice.
At Airai, the faves showed the fans how to build a shelter while at Malakal, Amanda catches a shark which makes Ozzy hot. The immunity challenge was certainly a challenge for the Airai tribe when after taking
a huge lead, Malakal catches up and wins.

Back at Airai, Cirie sees the handwriting on the coconut that the weakest players will be picked off one by one and that she will be one of them. Cirie starts a campaign to vote out Joel by saying that Joel really didn't help in the challenge.
Cirie got her way at tribal and Joel is sent packing. Doesn't hurt my feeling one little bit, I can't stand that guy! The fact that he get all mad that he went before Chet is just a bonus! Double D

I knew when they won the chicken, dinner would be in the works. How could they kill a chicken that they named? Hey once you name an animal, in my world it's a pet. I was squeamish just thinking about that poor chicken and his head loped off, but I'm sure Charlie tasted good.
Maybe Ozzy needs some more protein to feed his brain, because he told the camera, he wasn't going to tell anyone that he found the idol and then rushes to tell Amanda, James, and Pavarti. Gee that's keeping it to himself!
I didn't want the tribes to be mixed up, but of course who am I? Fan, viewer, mother, Blogger extraordinaire?

When they met on the mat with Jeff and he announced that the tribes would be mixed up. Ozzy, jungle boy, of course pulls out the tribal leader stone. And darn it, at least James and Ozzy could have been on the same team. But Ozzy choses Joel and ended up with Chet so I guess they cancel each other out in terms of equalness? Erik was starstruck to be on the same tribe as Ozzy-gee did you get his autograph?
The reward challenge was pretty challenging for some, especially for Joel tied to you guess it, Chet. I laughed my head off at this pairing. I loved it how Joel liken him to a ball of goo. Instead of getting rid of him, he's partner with him and he literally dragged him through that maze like some old raggy doll, not caring if he was banging him around. Of course they lost the food challenge of steaks. Yum!
When James went to the others camp, he was appalled at their campsite or lack thereof. He said he was surprised that the team was still alive. I'm wondering why was the campsite so close to the beach, didn't anyone hear of high tide as they tried to cook their steaks. Heavens! Don't lose the darn steaks!
After all that extreme running through the maze, alot of the survivors were pretty banged up, like Chet, Pavarti (fat lip) and Jonathan who took something through the knee, ouch! It was so bad the survivor medics had to be called in to perform Jungle Surgery. Oh I feel faint. That looked like it hurt so much and the camera not once panned away from it. They should had a disclaimer that graphic material might not be suitable for mothers. Jonathan was brave, I would be like get me the h...out of here!
I don't know how Cirie always manages to land feet first, but Ozzy, Joel and Amanda think that Chet should go, he after all just a ball of goo, when Cirie whispers someone else's name and they vote t
he way she wants them to vote. This time instead of Chet, she wanted Joel gone. She did make the point that Chet is harmless and is not really into the game, but that Joel is really playing hard and needs to go and of course she is in the group of weaker ones, so who does that benefit? Who better to throw doubt toward the incredible hulk. In this case it wasn't the survival of the fittest, but of the weakest as Joel is blindsided and eliminated from the game.-Single D

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