Boy, this season's survivors are dropping off like flies. Kathy is falling apart before our eyes. Let's face it. Survivor is for the young. It's for those that don't have a family, have no commitments, have no responsibilities, so I'm guessing that eliminates anyone over the age of 30. In theory, Survivor sounds fun for all of about 10 minutes until you
find out that you have no bed, no food, no purified water, gads this is a generation that doesn't even drink out of the tap! After a certain age, we (women) need our comforts. We need our children, we need the comfort of our nest. So I can totally sympathize with Kathy when she emerges from the cave saying that how can she sleep in a cave shared with bats, rats and funky smells. I would just die! Not to mention not having anything to wash my clothes and shampoo my hair. I would however, like to renounce makeup and then maybe I would emerge with an I don't care how my face looks attitude in the real world. So Kathy must have picked up the jungle telephone, is that a string of coconuts on a palm frond and called Jeff Probst to the rescue. He looked quite dashing as he came ashore to assess the situation. Oh honey, can Jeff rescue me! Kathy tells him that she is trying to hold on, but that she can't feel her family inside. Jeff tells her all is going to be OK. Gee when he said that you really did believe it. It was another heart wrenching moment on Survivor, but I kept thinking that if she could have held out until the immunity challenge and then be voted off it would have been an immunity freebie for her tribe. But she was like a hysterical woman sobbing, the girls should have slapped her to her senses! So off on the rescue boat she went, waving in the sunset as she leaves the others to act like cavemen, eat raw clams and suffer the 6 hours of torrential rains.

Meanwhile, Ozzy is doing his jungle king thing, notice how he's changed from jungle boy to jungle king? He's teaching star struck Erik the ways of the jungle and to follow into his Lion King's footsteps. Cirie makes funny commentaries on this whole Ozzy thing as she says that they should right there just kiss and get married. But Oz better watch out and be more aware that he is ruffling the feathers of the nest.
The rew
ard challenge is to do once again a puzzle by first retrieving the puzzles blindfolded and guided by one team mate. Cirie directs the group through the maze with ease. They put the puzzle together and win the reward. Their reward, a spa day. Now this is something Kathy could have used, she might have changed her mind. Ozzy puts Tracy on the spot when he suggest that she should go to Exile island with Jason from the other tribe. She was not happy and can you blame her? The reward looked awesome from the waterfall to all the spa stuff.

The immunity challenge involved retrieving more puzzle pieces from a platform at sea, Ozzy does his wonder
boy stuff but unfortunately his tribe can't put the pieces together and the other tribe wins immunity. The girls in Ozzy's tribe are creating alot of drama by wanting to vote off Ozzy. Ami comes up with a very convoluted plan to get Ozzy vote off, while all this time, Ozzy is off drinking coconut milk. Hey Ozzy wake up, the girls are plotting against you! At tribal council, again I was holding my breath thinking if Ozzy doesn't use the immunity idol this time, he's going to be eliminated, but fortunately, everyone came to their senses and voted Tracy off. Bye Tracy, don't you have a family to go home to?-Single D

I loved how the show opened with the torrential rain at the Airai camp, everyone shivering and looking positively miserable. Then they switch to the Malakal camp with steel drums playing and the sun shining looking like a tropical paradise. What editing! Those guys should should win an Emmy!
Erik is so entralled with Ozzy. It's like Cirie said, Erik would probably marry Ozzy if he asked. Speaking of Cirie, she doesn't want to do anything. Ozzy takes his puppy, Erik fishing and they ask her to help row the boat. The way she acted, you would have thought they asked her to build the boat.

Back at Airai, Kathy is falling apart. She is saying the survivor experience is like being a caveman when the camera pans over to a shot of Eliza squating holding a bowl in her hands looking pretty much like a cavewoman. Yeah, those editors deserve an Emmy. For some reason, I wasn't surprised when Kathy cracked. Again I have to ask, what do these people think when they audition for this show?! Club-Med it's not! Kathy was saying, on TV they only show it raining for 5 minutes. Do people really think that it only rains for 5 minutes? Wonders never cease.

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