Can I get this off my mind-you know the opening scene of Amazing Race where they show the racers in their hometowns? I just can't stand Starr and Nick, their heads bobbing to the side like they are cheerleaders or something, totally drives me crazy! It's just so goody goody, which is so opposite of what they really are.
The teams leave La Paz, with Ken and Tina leading the way at 12:33 am. I was surprised how many team times were bunched up around the 1:00 hour. I imagine leaving at the wee hours of the morning must make for an exhausting day as it looks like they race straight through till the evening hours the following day. I'm thinking when do they eat, or pee? I guess the lack of sleep are making Ty and Aja grumpy as they are having a blow out at the airport. Once in New Zealand, things don't fare any better for them as they get another blow out this time a flat tire on their way to find the clue. That would be my worst nightmare, is to get a flat tire and Ty looked totally helpless in changing it. He tells Aja to flag someone down.
I don't know how Ken and Tina always make it first to the clue locations barely squeaking past the nerds for the fast forward. Why would the nerds, Andrew and Dan, go for the fast forward when they knew Ken and Tina were on it before them? And tell me this, how did the Southern belles, Marisa and Belle get so far behind?
Ken and Tina get to the fast forward first and have to scale the Skytower the tallest building in New Zealand. That looked scary, I would have definately pooped my pants!
The roadblock proved to be fairly easy as most of the teams were able to match the tattoo picture with the Maori tattoo face. Reminds me of some of my friends in San Francisco. Most of the Maori wanted nose kisses but one Maori did steal a kiss from Ms. Southern Belle. The next challenge is either to make a go-cart or crush kiwis. Of course, I know how mechanically challenging assembling things are so I chose to crush kiwis like the majority of the teams. This seemed to be harder than it looked as there were rocks at the bottom of the kiwi vat. I had to crack up when both female teams, especially, Kelly and Christy view stomping kiwis like it was a day at the foot spa and the rocks didn't seem to bother them at all. See, I guess wearing high heels really do toughen the feet.
Mom and Dallas were the second to arrive at the Kiwis but were not able to finish that challenge, as mom said, it wasn't as fun as Lucy stomping the grapes in Italy, so they decide to do the go-kart challenge instead. Nick and Starr follow their lead, but Starr takes a nasty spill on the track and it looked like for a half second that she broke her arm. She managed to finish her laps between tears and complaints, and then the good brother lets her drive. What was he thinking? They finally switch places because she can't steer let alone drive on the wrong side of the road.
The first to the mat, who else? Ken and Tina. They are quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with. I guess if you think about it, the other teams just don't seem as strong as them. Then again, it's not always about strenght as it is about luck and they've had some good luck. It was cute that Phil's dad was Phil's companion at the mat. I didn't know that Phil was from New Zealand. I have a girl friend from Christchurch. When she came to the states many years ago, she tells the story of how she came to America. She and her husband were going to move to England, only when they landed in London, he got off, she didn't and that's how she came to America without her husband! I love that story!
Anyway, the belles unfortunately were the last ones to reach the mat. I thought for sure this has got to be a non-elimination round, but unfortunately for them it was not. Sweet girls, now go home and put on your pearls.-Single D
1 comment:
Hi single D I watched that episode and I thought it was really funny.I think your blogging should be bought for 1,000,000 dollars! Oh and you should blog Biggest Loser its really funny and it was on last night. You should've seen it one of they're challanges were about they had to ballance on a ballance beam and if they fell off they would have to fall in water and their prize was to see their family. It was really neat so you should watch it. Its on every Tuesdays. And I bet if you watched it you would love it. Well just to tell you I am one of your most biggest fans. And I love your blogs I read them every day!
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