After that last tribal, Kenny is feeling like Professor Bob made a fool out of him with that whole fake idol thing. Kenny really plays the part of poor me really well. In exchange for comforting Kenny, Bob promises
that if he wins the next immunity challenge he will give the idol to Kenny. Either he's a fool or a real game player. Is it my imagination or is Suzi flourishing in the jungle? It's amazing how much weight Kenny has lost but Suzi is still round and plump. For the reward challenge, need we say anything here, except that once again Professor Bob proves he's a force to be reckoned with at age 57. Bob wins a trip to a gorilla habitat, lunch and a shower and he takes along Crystal (because she has yet to win something) and Kenny. For all of Crystal's title of Olympic winner, she sucks at challenges. I liked the muu muus they were given to wear. Back at camp, Matty is trying to woo Sugar over to his side and it looked like she would remain steadfast to her alliance of Crystal and Kenny until Crystal makes the mistake of getting on Matty's case for no apparent reason. Cut to Sugar crying over injustice to an underdog. Sugar sure cries a lot. Again Bob wins the immunity challenge. Kenny is practically begging Bob to give him the immunity but Bob's answer to this is that he's not a target, therefore gracefully bowing out of his promise to give him the immunity. Amazing how Bob comes out smelling like roses in this maneuvering. Since Bob has the imm
unity, this spoils Kenny and Crystals' to get rid of the biggest threat this season. At tribal, Sugar knows that this will be the last chance to play the idol, so voting comes down to a three-three split between Matty and Crystal. Before the votes were read, Jeff does the whole speech thing about the idol and Sugar casually gives it to Matty, thereby cancelling his votes and in a turn around, Crystal is voted off. One thing about Crystal's departure, this is the first time during this whole thing, she displayed grace and sincerity. Seems like Bob and Sugar are poised to go all the way and surely if this happens, it will be interesting to see who becomes the biggest game player of all time.-Single D

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