Stephanie is the lucky bachelorette that gets the single date with Jason, much to Megan's grum
bling that she left her kid at home. Well, like duh, you signed up for this! Stephanie tells the camera that today is her daughter Sophia's fourth birthday. Jason takes her to the beach where much to her shocking surprise Sophia coming running out. It really was such a touching scene, it almost brought tears to my eyes, almost. But I did see Jason tear up, maybe he was missing his Ty. Off they go to Legoland, where they have the entire park to themselves. WOW-my daughter says that would be neat, but lonely which I understood. Miss "you're hair is pulled to tight" is growing on me. I really wish she would let her hair down so her face won't look like she just got out of the plastic surgeon's office. I thought it was really cute when Jason gave her a lego rose and asked her to stay even though Legoland is not the most romantic of places to be. Stephanie had such a good time, I would have hated to see her go after she proclaims
it to be the best day of her life. For the group date, Jason takes the group to a shop where they get to make a cast bust of themselves for Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser. Great idea, here Jason really gets to see what kind of shape the girls are in. First Jason strips down to his bare chest and has to put baby oil on his chest so the paper machie doesn't stick. Erica and Melissa jump right in to help slather that stuff all over his chest. Close your mouths girls! Next it's the girls turn to undress behind a screen which shows their shapes. Hey this is family TV! Shannon was so funny when she said that on her first date with Jason, he saw her naked and touched her breast, well, he helped put on the paper machie on her chest. Megan tells Jason that she's always doing some sort of charity work and that it's been so unusual for a week to go by when someone isn't thanking her for something she's done and saying how great she is. Oh my god, it just screamed look at me, look how great I am, I'm so wonderful! Yuck someone get me a puke bucket! If Jason falls for that crap then he's a real dunce cap. Next Nikki is showing her insecure side by not being able to have a normal conversation. Here we find out that she is some kind of control freak. She tells Jason that she always has a back up plan to the back up plan and that she has her toothbrush lined up with her toothpaste. OCD! Say it with me, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! Can you say "Sleeping with the Enemy?"

Back at the ranch, Natalie gets the note that says she's the lucky one to get the next single date. Much to the dismay of the girls, it's the "Pretty Woman" date, jewels and a private jet ride to Vegas Baby
! Jason says that he's taking her out because he wants to see if he she's deeper than her love for shoes and jewelry, but in the end he tells her goodbye as he whips off the jewelry off of her neck. Of course Natalie gets mad and then spills the beans that the other girls are not in it for the right reasons.

Elimination night it was a duel of how low can your dress go, battle of the clevages. Jason is perplexed about which one of the girls Natalie was talking about, so he tells Lauren what Natalie said, so Lauren tells him that it's Megan and Erica who are the troublemakers of the house. So when it comes to elimination time, Chris Hanson tells the group that Jason wants to get to the bottom of it all so
he asks the girls to come clean. There was an awkward deer caught in the headlight, cue the crickets moment. No one wanted to come clean so Lauren told the group that basically it was Megan and Erica that caused the most trouble in the house. Megan, in her see my breast dress, was appalled acting like, who me? I would never say anything like that to Jason. Well, Ms I'm so in love with myself was spared the ax this week as Jason sends, Kari (poor thing we hardly even knew her) and Erica home. I'm wondering why Jason put Lauren on the spot like that and called her out in front of the girls? Maybe it was the urging of the producers. Double D thinks they control more than we see. Shannon meanwhile shows that she can't play in the big girl rink because she doesn't have the stomach for backstabbing which probably says alot about her even tho she still has stalker tendencies.-Single D

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