This is the musical talent sh
ow episode. Shannon is choosing to do a rap tune because that is what Jason did on the Bachelorette. Nikki is scared to death having to do something out of her comfort zone. She's in the bathroom ranting about how she can't do this. I'm like thinking who is she talking to? The toilet or the cameraman? I thought Lauren had the best song and maybe is hoping to get discovered? And our girl Stephanie, what else would a girl sing who constantly wears her hair piled high on her head? Opera of course! But it's Molly that Jason picks out of all of them. Here it's a tent date with burgers and smores. Shannon is saying that she's gonna wait up for Molly to come home, but Molly doesn't show up until the next morning wearing what else, but Jason's clothes. Once the girls get a load of that, they all walk off to their respective rooms, umph! The group date the girls are taken to the set of General Hospital and everyone gets to play like actors in a
scene with Jason. For the trial kiss, Shannon quickly volunteers. Mostly this is how many girls can Jason make out with. I'm like thinking, did he sanitize his mouth after kissing each girl, because would that be like kissing the previous girl's germs on Jason's mouth? Yuck! When it was Megan's turn, gawd, I thought she was going to swallow Jason whole. At the wrap party every one's pretty wound up and tense after all that kissing. It was like the girls were feeling a bit guilty like they had just shot an X-rated film! Contrary to what Megan says, she is jealous, hey honey join the group! One side note, Melissa and Megan are the same age, but doesn't Megan look so much older? Maybe it's because she has a kid. Shannon's alone time with Jason is a mix of snot and tears. Ok, she had to blow her nose, but did she have to pick it and get black n
apkin all over her nose and lips? When she went in for the kiss Jason pulled back. Who could blame him? All that snot and slime! But I was rooting for her, stalker tendencies and all. Every time Shannon talks to Jason, Jason has that look like he's just seen the dog poop in the kitchen. And even though Lauren was the best girl there keeping her composure and asking Jason why did you keep Megan, what do you like her? She doesn't get the rose, that went to Naomi. You have to give snaps to Lauren for asking the burning questions that everyone is dying to know, but afraid to ask.

The two on one date, otherwise known as three's a crowd date, are Stephanie and Nikki with one of them surely going home. They each get treated to a ball gown and are taken to a secluded restaurant. How romantic, oh yeah, it's a threesome. There's a teacher there to give them waltzing lessons. Nikki again goes into iron robot stance because she can't deal. Stephanie swoops in like she's some kind of queen of Sweden or something showing off her dance moves. Once Nikki gets up the courage, it's a game of tag you're it. Very awkward and weird. Poor Jason, he looked like a rag doll being pulled by two bratty girls. I thought for a horrifying second that he was going to keep Nikki, because that is his body type, but thankfully, he kept Stephanie, although, I don't see any attraction between them, just that she'd be a good mommy.
The rose ceremony, Jason has to get rid of two girls. He gives out a rose to Jillian and Melissa, but when it came to give out the last rose with three girls standing, our puppy Shannon, Lauren and Megan, I was like give it to Lauren but when he pulled back and put the rose down, I was like OMG, he's letting all three go. Well, I guess why keep them hanging on? Poor Shannon, she really was winning points with me but I was doing my little happy dance when Megan was sent packing. The look on her face- priceless! Go back home Megan, do your charity work and have people thank their lucky stars they met you!-Single D
I have to chime in on this episode. Shannon got SO out of control, it was pretty scary! She was crying for Jason to come home with her, she wants to meet Ty, you can't let me go, etc. If that doesn't scream stalker I don't know what does. Then she said something about an electric toothbrush and french kissing her dog. Weirdo! Glad she's gone. And Lauren pretty much demanding that Jason give her a rose, big red flag there. I'm thinking future hen pecker. Glad she's gone. Then there was Megan who says there is something between her and Jason but Jason just isn't seeing it. Really glad her and her potty mouth is gone. Don't these women get psychological testing before going on the show, especially when there is a child involved? I'm sure Jason's eyes were opened further than he expected on this episode. Then there was Nikki. When she found out that her and Stephanie were going on the threesome date, she goes on about how Stephanie has a kid, has had a husband and now it's her turn. Is she kidding? Sounds like Nikki would marry the first guy who asked. Poor slob. She needs to do less planning and do more living. That's it for the bad girls, now for the ones I like. I'm pulling for Jillian, her and Jason seem to get along great and have a lot of fun together. We'll see how she is with Ty this week. I would love for Stephanie to be one of the finalists but I just don't see any chemistry. Unless she loosens up and lets her hair down (literally) I see her going home soon. Molly is starting to grow on me but there is still something there that I just don't trust, like she is being fake or something. I just can't put my finger on it. I still think Melissa could grow up a little more but I like her. I didn't like Naomi at first, she seems like a nice person but I'm not seeing her with Jason, at least not yet. This week's dates in Seattle could shake things up. Double D
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