Looks like the mommas are having their way on this new twist of the dating game. The score, Momma's 2 bachelor son 1. Michael's mom Lorraine is dead set against plastic beauty Michelle. Ok so the girl does have bad, bad credit, or as she likes to say, "I love shopping and plastic surgery!" And so what if not a single thing on her body is authentic. If Michael wanted something real he would have stayed off TV reality shows. Well, after mother Lorraine got to peek in Michelle's bio on the episode which featured a glass trunk with all the contestants bios, credit reports and other salacious gossip, Mother Lorraine's worst fears were confirmed. She immediately told Michael that Michelle was not for him. I didn't think Michael would cave into her pressure but Mother Lorraine had her way and Michelle was sent packing in Monday's night episode. No trip to the Caribbean for her. Can't wait for Lorraine to find out that her favorite girl, Erica, was Penthouse Pet of the Year. Whoa!
The worst momma of all time and tops my list of would be momma in law from hell is Mrs. B and her pure racist attitude. Jojo clearly was attracted to black beauty Misty. She looks like an Olympic star. When Jojo takes Misty out on a one on one date, Mrs. B goes on a rampage. She summons a helicopter to take her where her son is. Namely in a hot tub locking lips with Misty. As the helicopter hovers over, Misty and Jojo pause for a split second, could that be Mrs. B up there? Nah! Wrong! Mrs. B was so mad she could spit. She rants and raves and then cries. How could he do this to me? Please will someone tell her, that somewhere in this world she would be considered ethnic herself? (I think she's Lebanese). When Mrs. B comes back to the mansion, gee go figure, she finds solace in the comfort of two black girls in the house. They try to appease her and calm her down, very brave of them! It seemed like maybe some enlightening was taking place and that she would come around and see through that racist haze. One could only hope. Nah, think again. When Jojo comes back, she tries to tell him Misty is not for him, but Jojo says, he likes Misty. Elimination night and one could only hope that Jojo would stand up to his mother. But he didn't. Another cave in. Mrs. B even went so far as to not give her ticket to another girl there and ripped it in half. She's just downright mean. Poor Jojo, he should have ran away from home a long time ago.
The one son that did stand up to his mother, was Rob. He managed to ask Camilla to come with him to the Caribbean, much to Esther's pleading that he should marry a nice Jewish girl. Oye vey! Can't wait to see the fireworks next week.-Single D
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