Amazing Race-From Russia to India
Racers leave Siberia for Jaipur India.
12:18am Margie and Luke
12:24am Tammi and Victor
12:30am Jamie and Cara
1:01am Mel and Mike
1:02am Mark and Mike
1:28am Kisha and Jen
and 3:09am Christi and Jodi who after a last place finish will have to complete a speed bump and come in first this next leg.
We all know from previous seasons how daunting and confusing India can be. Luke's crying because the children are eating out of trash cans and Cara is weeping because the animals are eating out trash cans, umm? Tammi keeps calling her taxi driver Babu. Hey isn't that the Pakistani that was deported on Seinfeld, Babu? And are those taxi's the amazingly cheap cars called the Nano? Hey America we need a $2,000 car in the US! I'd buy one, heck I'd buy one for each member of my family and my daughter doesn't even drive yet!
The roadblock is to care for a camel, which means to carry water in buckets and baskets of hay. Doesn't sound too hard except that it's only about 100 degrees and Mel is doing it? Now there's a heart attack waiting to happen. But the old man came through because he has the smarts to carry the hay in the appointed basket while everyone else was stuffing the hay down their shirts like they were the scarecrow in Oz.
The detour is movers or shakers. Movers had to ride a bicycle with 9 barrels of hay and then find a very tiny tiny silver elephant, more like finding an elephant in a haystack. Of course, undaunted, I think the littlest stunt guys want to prove their machoness by picking the task that involves the most muscle, have you noticed? Not wise if it means it's the hardest which this one was. All the other teams decide to do the shakers, heck, you get a souvenir scarf out of it and how hard is it to don a camel suit and beg for tips? I did like the pink pincushion hats that Jamie and Cara were wearing. And hey Margie, you got pink paint on your teeth! God, someone give that poor woman some rupees so she can brush her teeth. One thing I have to say about India, it sure is colorful.
Jodi and Christi's speed bump was to paint a really cute elephant an Indian design. I'm sure the elephant didn't like that. After that they make quick time in the movers detour but not enough to edge out the little stunt guys and come in last. Well at least they got to see India and rest at the temple where all the cute little monkeys hung out. -Single D
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