I hope the racers got to visit old Salzburg while at the Hellbrunn Castle pitstop. A visit to Mozart's birthplace is a definite must also home of the Mozart almond candy, yum! That's Andy and Madison in the picture!
Leaving first: 1030 am-Tami and Victor
12:01-Mel and Mike
12:12-Amanda and Kris
12:30-Margie and Luke
12:53-Brad and Victoria
1:17-Cara and Jamie
1:51-Kesha and Jen
2:00 Mark and Michael
2:42-Jodi and Christie
Heading for Bucharest I can only think of one thing- birthplace of that wicked kid on the Omen movie, where Damien the devil child was conceived, son of a jackal. For Tammi and Victor first out of the gate and smoothly on their way ran into bad luck when their jet had to turn back to Munich making them once again part of the pack. Brad and Victoria decide to do their own thing and fly into Amsterdam instead of following the crowd. My mantra when racing would be stay with the pack until the very last episode, then take the chances. When their plane was grounded in Amsterdam, elimination was rearing it's ugly head.
Flying into Romania home of champion gymnasts, the teams have to perform a series of gymnastic stunts which only showed us how uncoordinated Tammi is. Aw come on girl, you're Asian aren't you limber and coordinated? It was so embarrassing! Damn, girl it's not that hard to do a somersault and walk a balance beam. Didn't the Chinese gymnastic team win the Olympics (by lying about their ages?) er I mean by skill? Little young Mikey has to don a gym suit and looked totally hideous. Jeez he's homely, sorry dad, but he takes after you, in more ways than one.
The roadblock leads to a major roadblock for Tammi and Victor choosing to do the Vampire remains. Victor takes the wrong path and made poor Tammi, although I'm not feeling much sympathy for her weak ass at this point to stand up to her domineering brother and say, hey dummy this is not the right way, you suck big brother! Victor finally gives in on the point of frustrated collapse, they find the coffins only to lose one of the keys in the grass. Luckily for Victor he found it because at this point I was thinking maybe Brad and Victoria might be spared elimination with the antics of Victor's stubbornness.

What did we learn in this episode, yes Virgina, there are Gypsies in Romania, and an 8th place finish for Victor and Tammi still didn't evoke an apology out of Victor. Brad and Victoria are given their walking papers after stepping on the pit stop mat last. That's how the chips fall when you deviate and try flying by the seat of your pant or in this case by way of Amsterdam.-Single D
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