In this episode the teams have to come up with a creative comic book figure to depict the philosophy behind the Internet sensation of Zappos.com or as the sour CEO of Zappos says create an iconic costume character to promote Zappos. PM for the women, Chloe Karadashian, I think I called her Athena on my last post, Chloe, Athena close. Scott Hamilton is chosen for the Kotu team. Now why would anyone want to manage this task is beyond me because it involved using the brain muscle and creativity which is always harder than pounding the street and begging for money. The girls start out sounding like a room full of clucking hens. Melissa looked like she was taking credit for Claudia Jordan's idea, but that could have been clever editing although in the boardroom, the Donald asked the girls who idea it was and Melissa didn't hesitate one beat. Come on girl, give credit where credit is due! Joan was ticked that Annie Duke wouldn't let her write the script even though Joan protested by saying that she has written two Broadway plays and stuff. Who knew Joan a playwright? Everyone was talking over each while the men didn't fare any better only there it was more of a battle of who was the more dominate alpha male with a little Tom Green thrown in for comic or in this case annoying relief. Poor Scott, it was like a guppies swimming amongst the barracudas. Scott couldn't control anyone nor make any decisions. Clint Black showed his macho, I know everything side of him. Who knew, I always thought he was soft spoken, not! Tom Green was so annoying, no wonder Drew Barrymore dumped him! Scott was so distracted with all the male antics he finally at the eleventh hour when all sanity had left the building, he decides that he is going to make one decision by god! He calls Jesse James at the costume store and tell him that the character's name is EEE. Jesse says Z? No EEE! The costume designer said it sounded more like EEEK! Ok, I didn't get it either, why do E when the moniker is Z for Zappos? I guess Scott wanted to make the one original decision on his own which in the end, no matter how much pleading with the Donald, that he was the good guy here, even bringing in Hershal to plead his case against Tom Green, who was brought into the boardroom with Scott, the decision to use EEE made Scott Hamilton, champion of the ice, fall EEEks!-Single D
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