The 9th pit stop in China, Kisha and Jen are the first to leave at 1:48 pm, heading for Beijing. Tammi and Victor-1:48
Margie and Luke- 1:50
Jamie and Cara- 2:12
Tammi and Victor's bragging about their edge in knowing Chinese has yet to help them get ahead in their own country. They speak in Chinese to the ticket agents in the airport and tell them to put them up front and the rest in the back of the plane. Our parents would be so proud! Out first are Victor and Tammi, go figure, heading for their cab, but funny that, it is Jamie and Cara first at the roadblock, to get a foot massage. Cara tells us that she doesn't like people to touch her feet, but I'm thinking she's like, wow, finally a spa treatment, but it's more like spa torture. It's an ancient Chinese pressure foot massage which looked more like ancient Chinese torture. I was laughing out loud through the whole segment. My husband doesn't get it when I laugh out loud and there's no one else in the room. I can't help it. Laughing is like sneezing to me, you just have to let it out! Cara is writhing in pain, towel between her teeth. Next to arrive, Kisha and Jen. Kisha immediately says she wants to do it but then has second thoughts when she sees Cara in agony. Both looked hysterical with towels and hats between their teeth and screams of owwww! Tammi takes the pain in stoic Chinese style, although I thought her breathing looked more like she was doing Lamaze and birthing a baby. Come on Tammi just let that scream out! Luke ends up doing it, how does a hearing impaired scream? Jamie kept telling Cara you better not scream uncle which meant that she would have to do it all over. Who would want another 10 minutes of torture? Next it's on to a Natatorium
which Jen correctly thought mean an aquatic gym. Here the detour is, Sync or Swim. Teams have to high dive in sync or swim 400 meters in a pool. Tammi and Victor are thinking the dive has got to be easy right? Wrong! I guess it does sound easy, but not so easy to sync. Kisha and Jen are having breakdowns since Jen doesn't know how to swim. Mom and son team are both experienced swimmers, but can't stand the Olympic style swimsuits that made them look like big eels.

First Kisha and Jen try the swim, hey we get to wear floaties, but then Jen has second thoughts, then they try to dive, but hey, if Tammi and Victor can't sync one dive what makes them think they can? They try to dive several times, and Tammi and Victor after what seemed like 30 dives decide to do the swim. Jamie and Cara are the first to finish and are praying that they will be the first to step on the mat and finally claim one first place finish. I was kinda hoping they would win their first, but Phil's like "Jamie and Cara, you're to first to arrive but you need to keep racing". Ah man! And I was so hoping that Kisha and Jen would be knock out this round. Looks like all teams get part two of this challenge. Right now, it's any body's game. -Single D
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