This week is to create a viral video for All's Small and Might laundry detergent. Clint Black is the PM for Kotu's team, now let's see if Black can be a team player. Melissa is the PM for Athena. The teams are immediately mixed up with Donald moving Jesse James over to Athena and breaking up mother daughter team with Joan going over to Kotu. Can the umbilical cord be severed?

Annie comes up with the clever idea of using little people to bath Jesse James, to which Jesse is like no way. Clint comes up with the joke of the husband and wife couple doing the wash, which the husband says don't worry honey, I hand washed it myself. Ok good for a laugh but to center a viral video around that? When Kotu meets with the reps of All, Joan is firing off questions left and right, like can you use it to wash humans? Hey Joan, it's not a body wash! Both teams want to use midgets, why does small and might conjurer up midgets? While Kotu team is clearly disorganized, Athena still wants to go with the concept of midgets washing Jesse, which Jesse reluctantly agrees to for the sake of the team, what a team player. Apparently Melissa got the best midget actors in all of New York, because the midget that went to the Kotu casting call was totally inexperienced, maybe it was the whole lack of dialogue or lack of one. Kotu decides to ditch the midget idea and goes back to the bedroom which in the end brings them back into the boardroom. Hershel tries to save the whole bedroom fiasco by adding pop ups which I thought could be a funny idea. Clint rules his team like some kind of despot and Joan is seething. Joan comes up with a lot of good ideas, but Clint seems to throw them out like used tissues.
In the end, All's reps didn't like either team's video and both teams are brought back into the boardroom. Melissa rightly says that she should be the one fired for being PM but brings back Tionne who "volunteers" to support her and Brandi who reluctantly accompanies. Clint wisely brings back Chloe and Natalie. This next segment could be called shock and awe as the Donald once again proves that he is good TV. He says to Tionne if she remembers a former contestant Bradford who volunteered to come back into the boardroom. Uh no. Well, he was fired, because no one
volunteers to come back into the board room, Tionne you're fired! Shock! As for Chloe, the Donald asks why she was gone last week, which she truthfully tells him that she was attending some DUI duties. The Donald completely rakes her over the coals for her DUI and tells all of America that he doesn't tolerate those with DUI's and like he fired Rodman for his alcoholism in the previous week, this week it's Chloe with her existing DUI problems. Chloe you're fired! Awe! Tell me again what she's famous for? In the limo, Chloe says she's been paying for that mistake ever since. Oh boo hoo, all I can say snaps for the Donald, even tho Clint in his macho mania should have been fired. How does Lisa Hartman ever put up with him? Clint you're not the man I thought you were!-Single D

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