Dear Readers,
I have been away this entire week for work in Washington, D.C., but never fear, I did manage to see all my favorite reality shows! I got into DC on Sunday, I made sure I took a flight that would get me to my hotel before prime time and in enough time to find dinner and get back to my room in time for Amazing Race. First of all let me do a review of the room here at the Hyatt, Reston. Nice location in Reston, VA. Attached to the hotel are two streets lined with shops and restaurants. The hotel is nicely appointed except the lay out is sort of awkward. I love hotels that have a grand lobby and this lobby doesn't do this hotel justice. My room is nice and on the fifth floor with a nice view of the park across
the street. The view out my window is green, every shade of green you can think of. Not used to all that green coming from Las Vegas, but go figure, it rained every day while I was there. My criteria for a hotel is how comfy the beds are and if they are dressed in a sheet comforter and accompanied with heavenly soft pillows, which in this case ranks right up there with 4-5 star hotels! The bed was heavenly and the pillows soft and plentiful. The only minus was that the room did not have a fridge. It did have a safe but no fridge. Now if someone could only come up with a safe that doubles as a fridge I'd have it made! Below the safe were two bottles of water with a sign that said "Make your day Happy" and below that the price of $5.00! I wouldn't be too happy to spend $5.00 for a bottle of water. Go ahead make my day!

So happily ensconced in my heavenly bed, with a pecan roll from Panera Bread and my "Free" water and "Free" tea, I settled in for Amazing Race.
This episode is part two of the race through China, with Jamie and Cara making faces that they have to continue racing. Jamie tells her taxi driver to "stay" like he's some sort of pet lab. Here they must find the gnome and bike ride to the Forbidden City. The Detour: Beijing Opera or Chinese Waiter. All teams except Victor and Tammi chose opera, because no one speaks Chinese except for V & T. Go figure this one is cake for them being Chinese and all. Shut up Victor!
And Margie will you shut up long enough for Luke to put that pancake makeup on you. Go ahead Luke you have my permission that the next time Margie opens her mouth to stick powder in it!
Kisha and Jen quickly finish the task out running Jamie and Cara. Thankfully that Tammi and Victor finished their Chinese waiter task and quickly u-turned Kisha and Jen. Who knew they would feel threaten by them? I thought for sure if Kisha and Jen got to the u-turn they would use it on Margie and Luke. That would have been real problems for Margie and Luke especially since it involved listening and speaking Chinese. When Kisha and Jen did the Chinese food ordering, I was laughing pecan crumbs out of my mouth with their butchering of Chinese, instead of Hot Peking Noodles they ordered stinking feet of cow. Once Margie and Luke were done with the opera they couldn't find the u-turn station but Luke smartly said that it should be near the opera station which proved he was right. Why wasn't Margie listening? Jamie and Cara finally done with the opera get lost in translation as well. How much you wanna make a bet those two never return to China?
The road block is to eat what else, Chinese Delicacies, which of course means horror food, which comprised of scorpions, larvae, star fish. Poor star fish, what did they ever do to you, who knew you could eat those? Leave it to the Chinese, if it's in the ocean it's edible. YUCK! Victor just sucked the guts out but I think everyone else ate it shell and all. Ah that's going to hurt coming out! Thankfully it was fried, ah can you wrap mine in bacon please? In the end, it was a foot race between Jamie and Cara and Jen and Kisha. Jamie and Cara once again had dingy redhead brains for direction and lose a lot of time, while Jen and Kisha had their racing faces on especially Jen having to eat all that horrid stuff and not a single heave out of her. Shucks! I love it when people puke. Jamie and Cara just step on the mat mere seconds before Jen and Kisha whose undoing was that Jen couldn't hold her pee (or poop) before she could make it to the mat. It's the pee that cost a million dollars, but I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go and I'm glad to see them go. -Single D
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