Another satisfying season of Survivor. It started out slow for me when I couldn't decide who I liked until finally there emerged a true Survivor with the likes of Ozzy from Survivor Panama. JT, country boy from Alabama. Finally the emergence of the quirky cast started riveting my attention. I'd watch just to see how much of a fool Coach would make of himself, the Steven Segal of the group, wannabe messiah, dragon slayer, quoter of famous lines. I'd watch just to see if Tyson could kiss himself, or as Joan Rivers said of Clint Black in the Celebrity Apprentice, if Clint walked into a bar, he'd date himself, which would aptly apply to Tyson. So I watched the finale and was not disappointed when JT won. There were a few moments of doubt when I thought he could possibly lose to Stephen, but when Stephen started talking in the Q & A he totally lost the jury's vote by being less than sincere and coming off smarmy and deceitful. You could just see it in the jury's face. JT meanwhile, kept his cool, played on his sincerity, garnering votes from the jury as JT looked like a whipped puppy when Stephen said that he didn't know if he would have taken JT with him to the final two. JT looked like the woman scorned and he played it right into the hands of the jury.
One word Taj, get over it, ok that's three words. What's the difference between third place or fourth place? She was never going to be the final two and she knew it.
Glad JT won, if he hadn't, I'd be tempted to do what my husband always says when the person he doesn't want to win, wins, "I'm never watching this stupid show again!". Well, thankfully I don't have to threaten that! Go JT!!-Single D
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