It is high school all over again and this time it's in the Big Brother house. Athletes, brainacs, offbeat (hey let's not sugar coat it, rejects, losers, dead beats) and the popular group. Wouldn't you know, the athletes win the first HOH which brings back the biggest athlete meat head from Season 10, Jessie. I hated him back then and I hate him even more now. The hate is in direct proportion to his ever increasing growth of his muscles and lack of neck thereof. I'm sure Big Brother is planning to utilized all of the teen angst from pimple popping to prom dates. And of course what better way to start off with than a zip popping word challenge which clearly showed who could spell and who couldn't, brainacs! Of course the meat heads win this one with the word "shotgun", we clearly know where Russell's head's at. Hey, isn't his hommie gang missing him right now? Russell and Ronnie getting into it was like watching a pit bull go up against a poodle. Ronnie might be in the brainac group but he is acting like he should be in the dummy group the way he is playing the game. And what's up with him being the champion of "Persuasive Talking"? He didn't display any persuasive talking when Russell was all up in his face. He was practically wetting his pants.
And poor Laura, aren't you sick of hearing her say "because of my large boobs". Hey she's the one that got Godzilla size breast implants. If she's not saying that, she displaying them, (ok, maybe I have breast envy, since I have none! Yah, yah, I admit it!)
I keep forgetting that BB is on three nights, so I've missed some of the screaming matches. Too bad they voted off Braden even if he did just graduate from "Ridgemont High" yesterday. Well, it's back to surfing dude.
Haven't warmed up to anyone yet, I just can't get passed their looks, they look all freaky to me. Boy I must be getting old! The other Donna was liking Lydia, I couldn't get past her clown red mouth crying after she had been nominated, ya think a girl all tatted up would have a harder shell. Didn't she ever think she'd might get nominated for eviction? Oh yeah that's right, she's not in the brainac group. The house better watch out for her, the offbeat girl is not to be trusted.
All the high school antics brings back my old school days. And yes, I wasn't always in the popular crowd, what!? I must confess, I did start out in the dorky group but being a fast learner, I knew the place to be in high school, was in the popular crowd where I started out in cheer and later became Queen of the Sweetheart dance, with my date, Gordon Asaoka. Gee, I wonder where he is now, probably some famous artist (he was very talented, I just didn't care for rice). -Single D
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