Thankfully this past weekend is finally over. I was deep into shopping therapy for some reason, guess you can only deprive yourself for long enough and besides, my husband was not on these shopping jags. Great diversion if you are arguing. When we fight, I shop, ALONE! I don't want him saying things; like why do you need that or that's too expensive! So what did I buy? A very cute zebra striped purse that has a peace sign in rhinestones on the front. I know a bit young for me. When my daughter saw it she said some of the girls in school have that purse. This same one? Well, similar she replies. Oh well, I've always had a penchant for zebra print and besides, I love it. It's not a Kathy bag, love those, but it's tickles my purse fetish anyway.

Next I bought a piece of luggage because we are going to Europe in a few weeks and I remembered our last trip there, we were lugging around big cumbersome square pieces of luggage that were really hard to maneuver around the trains and on the foot paths in Venice and everywhere else we went. By the time we got to Venice, we were so desperate to ditch those heavy square boxes on two wheels, that we sold them to the Sengal street vendors selling knock-off purses, which buy the way, never ever buy knock-off from them, you might end up with a Louie Vuitton purse with the initials of XL, or a Fendi with logo of LE. It's that bad there and they do not do refunds!
So I bought a 30" 360' roll around that can be pulled sideways. It's great, but I'll let you know how that works there on the trains.
Mainly my shopping quest was for a new digital camera, since the one I have is four years old and simply from the stone age. I went into Best Buy only knowing two things, it had to be slimmer than my old Fuji and it had to take really good videos. After all, I hate carrying a camera and a camcorder (not to mention that I would have to buy a new one, since the one I have is more than 6 years old and is the size of a small piece of luggage). In the camera section of Best Buy, I read the specs not really knowing the difference between a 1 mega pixel and a 12 mega pixel when a sales person comes up to me. I ask him which one takes video, he says all of them. Wow, the digital world is amazing. I say to him which one takes video that is formatted for the large screen, not your tiny square on the screen with audio that sounds like it's coming from a tin cup. At first he was going to try them out, when another person said that the only two cameras that are wide screen are two models of the Canon, which are in HD video. Good, only two to chose from, that narrows it. Now based on the look and size, I chose the one that has the largest viewing screen in the back and that is the narrowest and smallest and that is the Canon Power Shot SD960-IS 12.1 MP. The sales person says that Canon is also the most user friendly. Great sold! Never mind that I never did any price comparison, gee I hate it when I make rash decisions. But in this case, I'm happy. Back at home I make quick work of reading the instructions, sounds easy enough, takes great crystal clear pictures but the true test will be the video. My daughter and I make two test videos and hook up the camera to our HD TV. Playback was awesome! I was so happy! The video's HD is so crisp and clear and the audio is perfect. The camera kit provides you with the cable for TV hook-up so it's a breeze to watch the video on the wide screen. For all of you looking for a camera with great video capabilities, you can stop the search and buy this one. After I remembered that I didn't shop around, I called Best Buy to ask them if they still honor their best price deal which they said yes, for 30 days. At work, I shopped online and found that Walmart online on their Site 2 Store website, that camera was $299.98, same as I paid, except with one exception, Walmart's came with the 4GB memory card included in the package, which I paid for separately at Best Buy for $17.99. Oh well, if Best Buy won't honor it because it's different packaging, I'm still happy because now I need only carry my camera to my daughter's violin recitals and take videos and pictures!-Single D
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