And right when some sense was finally sinking into the gelatinous stuff they call brains, Natalie and Lydia finally remembered that Jesse was doing both of them. Oh hello!! Jesse should surely consider being head of some cult the way he brain washed all the divas in the house. Natalie and Lydia hated each other when Jesse was in the house, once evicted they weep for their fallen idol. What short memories everyone has. This eviction round, Lydia had to go, she was this close to going postal. That girl is really scary, not to me
ntion that she is really scary in that leotard and pink hair. And how gullible are Jordan and Jeff when Kevin, who isn't going to win any academy awards with his Big lie to J & J that Russell and Michele are in an alliance. Are J & J dumb as rocks or what? They deserve each other. Oh no, Kevin would never lie, except when there's a 1/2 mil at stake! And what about all those crocodile tears that Natalie was shedding from her phone call from her dad. As my friend Jeff says, it's not like they've been sequestered years, they know going in that that they will not have any contact, so what's all the crying about? Geez, grow a set! Now that the two biggest drama queens have left the house what will everyone do? I don't know about you, but I'm going to miss all the tension Chima caused. Guess it's time for Russell to go ballistic again, he's paranoid, he's got a short fuse, and he loves to goad
people on. Jordan and Jeff better wise up or they will get their dumb asses evicted.

Surprised that Jordan had that good of memory during the Veto Competition, maybe she isn't a dumb as she appears to be? HOH looks like it could be a nail biter as Kevin could win it. Natalie doesn't have a chance, but I'm hoping for J & J or Michelle, because those are the only semi sane people in the house.-Single D
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