After missing several episodes of Big Brother while on vacation, it's easy to catch up on all the high school drama. Russel is still hateful, Chima is still the diva-B, Jordan is still naive, Natalie is still skankie, Kevin is still a queen, Lydia still has tats, Jesse is still a meathead and Jeff is still in charge. He's either really dumb or really smart as he uses the coup d'etat (he didn't even know how to say it), therefore, I really didn't think he understood the power. But apparently so, as he had the guts to use it to over throw Chima's two nominees, Russel and Lydia. I was slightly torn that I wanted Russel, the snake to go. But Jeff's taking over and putting Jesse and Natalie up against each other has to be one of the smartest, boldest moves ever the in Big Brother house. That was absolutely brilliant. I was hoping the house would be smart and vote out Natalie, because lord help the house when Chima and Natalie get together, they are going to create havoc. If Jesse would have stayed, at least he plays with some integrity. Natalie and Chima are the pit bulls of the house. It's a good thing for Jeff that Michelle won HOH, now at least he has a chance to stay if wimpy Michelle isn't brain washed by Chima and Natalie. And what was up with Jesse's interview with Julie, yes Jesse you are bitter just admit it, you got played at that's that! Didn't Julie look great in that polka dot outfit, even if she did look like a birthday balloon.-Single D
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