Let's see.....Jeff wins HOH, nominates Natalie and Kevin, Jeff wins the POV and removes Kevin and puts up Russell. Russell gets the boot. Was that smart? Why is it that no one seems to notice that Kevin and Natalie are thick as thieves? Let's see, Jeff and Jordan are a pair, Michelle and Russell are a pair, and so why wouldn't anyone in the house notice that Kevin and Natalie are a pair?? HELLO!! Me personally, I think that it was the dumbest move on Jeff's part to oust Russell. At least he has shown that he can be true to his word. Does Jeff really think that Natalie and Kevin will keep their end of the bargain because they haven't been asked to prove themselves yet? It would have been the smartest thing to have evicted Kevin this week since he's the stronger competitor over Natalie, she can't win for beans! Then that would have opened the door next week for someone other than Natalie to become HOH and then she would have been evicted. Now it looks like Jeff and Jordan (if she doesn't win) will go up against each other. Jeff better win the POV because one of them will be going home. Jordan, you can thank Jeff for that. Well, we'll see tonight. My friend Jeff already gave me the spoiler, but maybe he's pulling my leg because it's not who I want to see win HOH. waaaaaaaaa!-Single D
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