I didn't watch the VMA's since I'm like a billion years old according to my daughter, but in reality, I was probably watching some other reality show. The next day in my car on the way to work, I heard a snippet of it on the radio, the announcers were like that Kanye, was that staged? Was Beyonce in on it? When I heard the whole thing, I was wondering what did Taylor do after he did that? The next evening I just happened on the rerun of the VMA so my daughter and I watched. Thankfully it was on at the very beginning because I don't think I could stand to watch something I would have to ask my daughter, whose that? When Kanye jumped on stage and grabbed away Taylor Swift's mic away so he could tell everyone who he thought should have won, I was floored! (which by the way, I love that video "You Belong to Me"), Who the H does he think he is? What a jerk, what a classless ASS! or in the words of Obama himself, he's a jackass and who in my opinion doesn't deserve any ounce of fame. Taylor on the other hand proved herself poised beyond her 19 years and graciously said her thank yous afterward and quickly left the stage. She is a role model to all young people. Even the next day on The View, she continued to be well spoken and mature about the whole thing. Kanye, on the other hand, is not in anyway a role model. He continues to blame his outrageous actions on the death of his mother, even going so far as trying to squeeze out dry tears on the Jay Leno Show. He describes himself by saying that some celebrities take the time off to mourn which he didn't, meaning that he's a celebrity, oh brother! Your bad manners stem from the fact that your reality of fame has gone berserk in that over sized head of yours. No amount of apologizing can ever get back that moment that was to be special, a once in a lifetime feeling for Taylor Swift and you blew it! Kanye, you need to do more than just apologize for your bad behavior, you need to realize that, shocking, the world does not revolve around what you think, in fact, no one cares what you think, no one gives a damn, so get over yourself, man up and become something resembling a decent human being. Oh by the way, boycott all things Kanye, probably the only thing that would bring him down would be $$$. Kudos to Beyonce for doing the right thing! -Single D
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